The Secret to Successfully Transplanting Peas

3 years ago

Peas are one crop that is a little bit finicky when it comes to transplanting. I accidently discovered a secret to successfully tranplanting peas in my indoor garden.

The first harvest of microgreen peas were delicious and before I knew it I was harvesting a second crop. I looked at all those little plants that were destined for the compost pile when a brilliant idea struck. I know that peas don't like to be transplanted but I just had to try to see if I could extend the life of these cute plants.

In this video, you will see how I took microgreen pea plants that had already been harvested twice and potted them for a crop of peas in my indoor garden.

Check out my garden adventures at

How to Grow an Indoor Survival Garden

Inexpensive Grow Lights to Jump Start Your Garden

Biointensive Victory Gardens: Higher Yields with Less Work

We Survived on Food Storage and Garden Produce for 90 Days

Best Strategies for Growing a Reliable Survival Garden

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