EMP Ready: DIY Faraday Cage Construction and Testing

2 years ago

Have you protected your critical equipment from the devastating effects of an electromagnetic pulse? It is easier than you might think to make certain that if an EMP or solar flare strikes your critical equipment will be safe and ready to use.

In this video, we construct a DIY Faraday cage to protect Mike's essential equipment from damage. Then we test the efficacy of the cage with a Faraday Cage Tester created by Arthur Bradley, an electrical engineer from NASA who is an expert in EMP preparedness.

Arthur is known as the EMPDoctor on YouTube and you can check out his videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/disasterprepper. The DIY kit and Faraday Cage Tester can be purchased at https://disasterpreparer.com/. Use the promo code PROVIDENT to receive 10% off your order through November 2022.

You may also want to explore Faraday Defense https://alnk.to/cSDr5tg for some of the best EMP tools on the market. That same promo code PROVIDENT will give you 10% off of any purchase through November 2022.

You may also be interested in the book Once Second After by William R. Forstchen https://amzn.to/3I8Baso

Learn more about preparing for an EMP or grid down scenario at TheProvidentPrepper.org

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