Emergency Evacuation: Angie's 5-Day Bugout Cooler

2 years ago

You never know when you will have to evacuate at a moment's notice. Our friend, Angie, recognized the need to make sure that she keeps her family fed and came up with a brilliant bugout cooler that can feed her family for 5 days.

You can find Angie's detailed menu plans at TheProvidentPrepper.org
Angie's 5-Day Bugout Cooler Ready for Emergency Evacuation

Check out this Survival Kit Action Plan to help inspire what you may want to pack in your emergency survival kit (bugout bag, 72-hour kit, grab-and-go)

How to Organize Critical Documents for Emergency Evacuation

Bug Out of Bug In - How to Know When to Go (or Stay)

How to Create the Perfect Emergency Survival Kit

14 Emergency Kits to Help You Dominate Disaster

Wildfire Evacuation: Prepare Now to Protect Your Family

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