Hippo Scares Away Threatening Rhino

10 years ago

Nature is astonishing. There is just so much it can offer, from the most breathtaking scenery to the most vicious predators. Animals are beautiful and wonderful beings, but we often underestimate them. We see them as far more natural than anything else. In addition to their beauty, animals and nature can be scary. Whether at home, at the zoo or in nature, nobody is immune to a good scare by someone below us on the food chain.

You never know when you’re going to meet a new friend when in need. Life has a strange way of giving us support and showing us that we are not alone when we least expect it. There have been numerous cases of discovering who is friend and who is foe, and it might take us by complete surprise. Unfortunately, many people find that the ones we thought of as friends were actually the ones to turn their backs, and a random stranger on the street was willing to give both hands to help us up.

Life in nature isn’t that much different. Although unlikely, we’ve seen it a few times, mortal enemies becoming best friends in the face of danger and being joined at the hip from that point in time. It seems that animals too have the same sense of right and wrong and good and bad as we do and similarly to us humans.

The best people in your life to protect you from danger are the ones in your family. There is nothing greater than a parent’s love for their child and their fierce protective side that comes up anytime they sense their little loved one is in danger.

Don't get in the way of a mom and her kids. She will do anything to protect her own. While spending time with her kids at the Hlane Royal National Park in Swaziland, this mother hippo notices a threatening rhino slowly inching closer to her family. She doesn't waste any time and immediately shows the rhino who is the boss. She runs towards the rhino and releases a very loud and threatening growl. The rhino starts to run away immediately. It knows you cannot mess with an angry mother.

This mother hippo shows she cares for her kids very much as she protects them as soon as she senses something isn't right. I doubt this rhino is going to come back anytime soon. After witnessing this hippo, it has learned its lesson. Now this mother hippo can enjoy the time with her kids. How cute! Never get in the way of family, they always stick together!

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