WWIII Victory Garden: Impressive Home Garden Tours and Our 90-Day Challenge Kickoff

2 years ago

Check out the great success that our friends are having with their Victory Gardens! We are impressed with all of the food that is being produced in backyards and on patios all over the world.

A huge thank you to all of our friends who have shared their Victory Gardens with us! If you would like to inspire our community with photos of your success or failures reach out to us at https://theprovidentprepper.org/contact-us/ Let's learn from each other!

The adorable little face on the thumbnail is from @historichomestead1171
You can find Amanda's garden at https://www.youtube.com/c/SuburbanGardening

We are using heirloom seeds for our garden this year from Survival Garden Seeds. You can find them at https://survivalgardenseeds.com/?ref=providentprepper. Remember to use the promo code: PROVIDENTPREPPER for 10% off of your order. Now is a good time to purchase seeds and prepare for next year's garden. Mine seed vault is tucked away in my storage room waiting for next spring.

You can learn more about growing your own food at TheProvidentPrepper.org

Biointensive Victory Gardens: Higher Yields with Less Work

Best Strategies for Growing a Reliable Survival Garden

How to Grow an Indoor Survival Garden

We Survived on Food Storage and Garden Produce for 90 Days

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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