Top 5 Weird About History But True Facts Did You Know To WOW and OMG Everyone

1 year ago

Top 5 Weird About History But True Facts Did You Know To WOW and OMG Everyone
You may not believe us, but they’re true WOW
1. The oldest known advertisement is over 5,000 years old. It advertises the sale of a slave named Shem in ancient Egypt.
2. Winston Churchill smoked an average of 10 cigars a day.
3. The first face to appear on the US $1 bill wasn’t George Washington.
It was Salmon P. Chase, the Secretary of Treasury and designer of banknotes when the first $1 bill was released in 1862.
4. Ancient Egyptians invented many items we still use today, such as pens, keys, locks, and toothpaste.
5. In medieval Europe, animals were often taken to court and tried for various crimes such as eating part of the harvest, damaging property, or injuring or killing people.
If found guilty, the animal could be exiled or even sentenced to death.
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