Germans Are Baffled About This Triangular UFO

10 years ago

We love a good reality TV show, we love a good drama, but what we love most are the unexplained mysteries that keep popping up all around us. Whether it is UFOs or creatures never before seen, it seems like humankind just can’t get enough of a good mystery. All over the world both regular people and conspiracy theorists alike, have been posting videos of sightings that look too real to diss, but thank goodness for the rest of the Internet, right?

The Internet is flooded with videos that claim that an unidentified flying object has been spotted in some remote area somewhere. Usually, they are grainy and terribly unfocused, but this one appears to be solid. A bit too solid, in fact. It is really difficult to separate the hoaxes from what could actually be genuine stuff and the advancement of CGI does not make it any easier.

Take this clip for example: someone was filming their kid at a jungle gym. The dad asks the kid if he is having fun, to which the kid answer enthusiastically, but then the dad pans out to the sky and does not sound at all surprised. Either he has seen this before or there is something else entirely.

Some say this is as genuine as it gets, given the shadows and the movement. Others say that it is precisely how the object in the sky behaves while the camera shifts up and down is a sure telltale that this is as fake as it gets.

It walks like a duck, it talks like a duck, but it ain’t no duck.

Just to show you how terrible people can be, you have to see this clip that claims it shows an unidentified flying object and alien in Italy. We will let you be the judge of its genuity.

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