1 year ago

Tabernacle of David SON provides portions of Michael W. Smith , WORSHIP FOREVER LIVE CONCERT FROM JULY 2021. Yea covid-19 era, live worship without face-coverings! Nobody died or got sick.
Part 1 has 3 songs from the live event:
1. Open the Eyes of My Heart
2. Above ALL
3. Breathe

This FULL video below was copied, RECENTLY when USED AS A FUNDRAISER, FOR Christian broadcasting, TBN.
Thank you CBN also.

Thanks to the Worship Artist, Michael W. Smith for permission to reTube these copyrighted songs of worship, for the Kingdom of Our Lord, Jesus. All Glory and praise to He who is ABOVE ALL.

Below is the full CONCERT

303,453 views Premiered Jun 28, 2023 #michaelwsmith #tbn #worshipforeveryone
Michael W. Smith presents Worship Forever on TBN. On September 11, 2001, Michael released his album, "Worship". Due to the tragic events that took place on 9/11 in America, that album quickly became meaningful to so many people who were crushed in spirit. 20 years later, Michael decided to re-record this album, live, in memoriam of the tragic day 20 years prior. Join Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, Matt Redman, and Tauren wells for an incredible night worshipping with the album we've all loved for 2 decades.

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.


For nearly 50 years the mission of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has remained unchanged: To use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Launched in 1973 by Christian television pioneers Paul and Jan Crouch, TBN began as one low-power television station broadcasting a few hours of Christian programming each day to viewers throughout the Los Angeles area. In the years since, TBN has grown into a family of over thirty twenty-four hour global networks reaching every inhabited continent with entertaining, inspirational, and life-changing programming for every family member and demographic. TBN began as a dream to “build a Christian television network that spans the whole world.” Today that dream is reality…and still expanding!

#tbn #michaelwsmith #worshipforeveryone

00:00 Forever
06:35 The Heart of Worship (Matt Redman)
12:15 Draw Me Close
16:33 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
19:25 Open the Eyes of My Heart
23:35 Above All
28:05 Breathe
34:16 Let it Rain
39:48 Agnus Dei (Amy Grant)
45:18 Awesome God
50:37 More Love, More Power (Tauren Wells)
55:08 Forever

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