How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind with a New Version of YOU (Powerful!) | Law of Attraction

1 year ago

Learn how to reprogram the subconscious mind with a new version of you! ✅ FREE CLASS & MEDITATION: HOW TO TRAIN YOUR BRAIN FOR EFFORTLESS MANIFESTATION ➡️

The Law of Attraction and the Mind work in unison when it comes to manifesting. And it is the subconscious mind that is designed to reinforce and regulate your life. This includes everything from your heartbeat and breathing to the chemical processes in your body. But the subconscious mind also regulates your mental self just as much as it regulates your physical self.

Because of this, in order to manifest something different when intentionally using the law of attraction, it is the subconscious mind that we must mold to our benefit. And we do this by creating a new mental habit in a language that the subconscious mind cannot resist. In this video is a subconscious mind manifestation technique (the "twin technique") that you can use to jump into the experience of becoming the version of yourself that IS and HAS what you want!

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