How The Theft of Social Media Led to Exposing the British Crown - Pilgrim's Society NWO

1 year ago

How The Theft of Social Media Led to Exposing the British Crown - Committee of 300 - Pilgrim's Society NWO 7-10-2023
The Most Amazing Story that you Never Heard
The theft of Leader Technologies Social Media led to the unraveling of the Spiders Web of the British Led Globalist New World Order, and the Pilgrim's Society War Against America and the world itself.
(A Video By @OratorBlog - TheWarAgainstYou
Featuring Gabriel & McKibben
Ugh. Sorry. I just realized my intro voice over is not so good. The 2nd and 3rd are way better. But the full Michael McKibben Story is a must hear though. It is mind blowing.
It Covers from the Birth of the New World Order, to the Weaponization of News and Information, and the Creation of the Deep State and Global Enslavement by the British Led Globalist New World Order.)
The DARPA Highlands Group Theft of Social Media Software Created by Leader Technologies has led Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel to unravel the Entire British Led Globalist Cabal that Controls the US Deep State and the New World Order
Every Road Leads to the British Crown Committee of 300 / The Privy Council and the British American Pilgrim's Society
So. Deep State Operatives of the British Cabal - Pilgrim's Society Infiltrated Leader Technologies.
They understood the massive implications that the Leader Technologies Software held.
The Internet had hit a Massive Roadblock
The had a Huge Problem with Scalability.
No matter what they did, they could not figure out HOW to make the software work for many thousands or millions of users SIMULTANEOUSLY
Leader Technologies was the Holy Grail.
There would not have been the Modern Internet as we know it without that incredibly innovative software.
The Deep State HAD TO HAVE IT.
So these Deep State Pilgrim's Society Operatives Conspired with the British Owned company SERCO that Runs the United States Patent Office to STEAL their Invention.
That Technology was passed on to the DARPA Highlands Group.
This is a Cabal of Military Industrial Complex Players that work with Silicon Valley Big Tech.
They Fund the Creation of New Companies, and Place Elite Cabal Family Members at the Head of the Companies as Front Men.
Mark Zuckerberg (Not his real name) was chosen to be the Front Man for LifeLock -Facebook.
Zuck never created a damn thing. He was given everything because he was Related to the Rockefeller's.
So the Pilgrim's Society Cabal passed around the Leader Technologies Software to all of their Cronies, including US Intelligence Agencies and the Federal Government as well.
Anyone else can use this Core Software by paying for Use Rights. It is incredibly versatile and by Customized in endless ways.
The value that would have resulted from the Leader Technologies Software would probably Amount into the Trillions.
How the world would have differed if that Invention had never been stolen.
But the Worst Part is, that Technology was used to Highjack the Entire Internet
It has led to the Relentless Spying, Censorship, Personal Private Data Theft and Psychological Warfare that pervades the Internet today.
The Creation of Leader Technologies was Truly Amazing. Michael McKibben lost his Life's Work.
While most people would have simply given up and walked away.
But McKibben decided to Fight For The Truth.
And Taking the Path Less Followed has Made All The Difference
@OratorBlog 7-10-2023
Listen to Michael McKibben himself tell you this story. It is an amazing tale indeed.
Article / Video Link:
The 200 Year Information War: The UK-US Pilgrim's Society Controls the Press that Directs Intelligence to Bend Words and Culture to Extremely Dangerous Fake News (Atheistic Social Fascism)
AIM4Truth American Intelligence Media
Douglas and Tyler Gabriel
Americans for Innovation
Michael McKibben
Mirrored From:

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