Time to Start Unblurring Spiritual Lines

1 year ago

God does have His Will established for us to follow... The ways of God are not established to burden in us in anyway but to bring forth life without harm... Yet on the other hand Lucifer and his demonic hordes have plans to bring harm to us and disguise their tactics as counterfeits to the Will of God Almighty...

Jesus has told us to let your Yes be Yes and your No be No... In scriptures there are clearly two kingdoms, the Kingdom of This World and The Kingdom of Heaven... There is Darkness and There is Light... There Sin and Iniquity then the Holy and Righteous,,, There is line between these opposites and this is where the enemies against God and Man like to make a blur between them and make use of their perverted counterfeit in order to draw us into their tangled web of deceit... Twisted and weak gospels that fall right in with Satan's plan for us to live life as we will instead life as God's Will lead us across these lines of Righteousness over into Unrighteousness...

This message and the next many messages to come will expose some of the deceptive beliefs and practices that the enemies have established and blurred the lines to lead us towards death and destruction of our eternity and away from the eternity of Life Everlasting... The enemies schemes are in direct opposition to the Will of our Father in Heaven and One and Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ...

#kingdomofheaven #kingdomofthisworld #spiritual_warfare #deliveranceprayer #deliverance

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