Approaching the Guru for Instruction

1 year ago

It has always been understood within the context of Vedic culture and etiquette that how one initially approaches the guru for sacred instruction is a matter of crucial spiritual importance. It is only in approaching the guru with humility, sincerity and honesty that our inquiries from the guru will bare actual fruit. In this livestream talk, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya examines what is the proper mood and decorum that is necessary to derive the greatest benefit from a guru's teachings.

“In the assembly of great sages, the wife of Yajnavalkya, known as Gargi, endowed with unparalleled qualities, who has attained the realization of the highest truth, fell at his feet and spoke as follows. Gargi said, ‘One who is fit to be worshipped, who has studied and realized the essence of the Shastras, who is concerned about the welfare of all beings, please teach me the essence of Yoga with all its branches and sub-branches’.” (Yoga Yajnavalkya, 1.6-8)

“Requested thus, Yajnavalkya, who is worthy of being worshipped, viewed all the assembled sages and spoke as follows. Yajnavalkya said, ‘Gargi, best among those who have realized the Ultimate Truth', arise. May all be well with you. I will tell you all about the essence of Yoga which was taught to me by the creator (Brahma). Gargi, when I teach you, listen to me with a focused mind.’ So saying, meditating in his heart with one-pointed concentration upon the Lord of the universe Narayana, who resides in the heart of all beings, who is the support for the existence of all forms of life in all the worlds, who is the source of this universe, who is fit to be meditated upon by Yogis, who is unattached, who is always in a state of bliss, who is immortal, eternal, omnipresent, who is the ruler of senses; Yajnavalkya, whose wealth is his penance and austerity and who is the greatest among the realized souls, beholding Gargi with compassion said ‘O Gargi, realized one, who is proficient in all the Shastras, come forward. I will explain the principles of Yoga which were taught to me by Brahma known as Parameshti (the guru of one’s guru’s guru). Sages who are assembled here listen to me with total concentration along with Gargi’.” (Yoga Yajnavalkya, 1.9-17)

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