Sound Of Freedom : Spiritual Truth of Children Sacrifice

1 year ago

The sexual slavery of young children is the highest level of decadence of a humanity in decline.

For some, these modern-day sacrifices are just conspiracy theories.

For others, it's the work of Satanists thirsting for blood and sexual delusion.

I'm going to share with you the horrible secret of these rituals.

There will be no images in the background so that you can concentrate on the heartbreaking story.

Why do criminal networks organise themselves around the trafficking of young children?

Do you think because innocence sells better than adults?

That criminals are attracted by fresh meat?

Or is it the devil's revenge against God by killing his innocent children?

There are occult reasons for this.

You can find testimonies from survivors of these networks.

Documentaries in Great Britain and France, to name but a few.

These diabolical networks are looking for children aged between 5 and 14.

Rarely are children under the age of 3 used.

They can be kept in children's farms until they are over 3 years old.

These demonic beings say that it is at the age of 3 that the child becomes individualised.

This is the moment when the child becomes aware of its "ego" and as if to say "I want".

Previously, children identified themselves with the entire group and talked about themselves in the third person.

For criminals, it is important that the child has integrated his or her ego in order to carry out the demonic ritual.

By gradually integrating the child's ego into the body, the sacrificers believe that the child's life forces are strengthened.

They reach their full potential around the age of 9. The age preferred by these monsters for the final sacrifice.

Around the age of 12, the executioners say that the astral body begins to develop and that the etheric forces, the famous life forces, prepare the transformation of the physical body for the passage from childhood to adolescence.

Monsters don't want to lose these forces and most of the time will use the child before puberty.

These etheric forces before adolescence are at their highest level.

This is the culmination point for dark magicians to organise the sacrifice and call forth the manifestation of a demonic creature.

These magicians believe that these demonic forces could find powerful life forces over many years and serve them in their ambitions for power.

They say that the demons then placed themselves at the service of the priests and priests, or acted through the egregore of the people for years.

The entity could also be used by sorcerers to create a powerful spell.

These sacrifices, these incantatory rituals, imprisoned the souls of the victims, who were unable to continue their cycle of reincarnation.

These children are both victims of the sacrifice and of years of imprisonment in a demonic prison.

The sacrifice, the famous ritual, is the most abominable act of terror that can be done to a child.
For days, weeks on end, adults carry out abject acts of terror, reducing the child's soul to the point of giving up all hope of life.
This torpor is necessary for fear to summon the demon.
It is in this extreme moment that the priest will eviscerate his victim and imprison the demon.
These same rituals are practised in many countries, with animals at the end of the executioner's blade.
For the sacrifice of the dark sorcerer, it is the cries of a terrified child that call for the final cut.

It is no longer possible to name names or guide investigations.

I assure you that many investigations exist.

Find them.

Watch the film "Sound of Freedom" to get to the point I've just made.

Child sex slavery is just a façade.

An immense ritual that devours souls is underway.

There is no Jesus or God who will come to avenge the suffering.

Only our actions can put an end to these odious crimes.

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