Mom cat carries an adopted kitten to her(part 106)

1 year ago

Mom cat carries an adopted kitten to her.
Our cat gives birth to only one kitten. Last time we were asked to help feed a kitten that was left without a mother. We agreed to help and the cat adopted the kitten. This time we again posted information in the help group for homeless animals that we have a lactating cat. Two days later we were contacted and told that there are 5 newborn kittens. We were afraid to take all 5 kittens, as there is no chance that our cat will accept everyone and that she will have enough milk for everyone. We said that we will take one kitten for now and see how the mother cat will acceptMother cat immediately ran to sniff the kittens and even took him to carry. But when she approached her couch, she realized that it was not her kitten and left him on the floor. We did not interfere in this process, as we understood that now it is being decided whether the cat's mother will accept someone else's kitten or not. Mother cat looked at us and meowed. We even thought she was asking for our opinion. But when the tiny kitten began to meow loudly, the mother cat took him in her teeth and carried him to her kitten. After 5 minutes, the adopted kitten was already sweetly eating the milk of her new mother cat.
#catcarrieskitten #kitten

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