How to use the artillery in Marshals Unleashed Napoleonic wargaming

1 year ago

Learn how to use the artillery in Marshals Unleashed Napoleonic wargaming. Utilize the artillery die to determine engagement outcomes. Each artillery display features three guns: one howitzer and two regular long-range guns. The die can be used three times for long-range targeting, twice for targeting units in buildings with howitzers, and once for firing a canister with guaranteed hits (3 damage). Commanders can choose whether to target howitzers or regular guns when the artillery is targeted by other artillery. At canister range (1 square), the artillery deals 3 damage points, and cannons can fire canister shots into woods with a range of 1 square.

Artillery cannons used during the Napoleonic Wars had a long fire range, making them deadly on the battlefield. Mortars were used to siege buildings, while 4-6 and 12 pounder guns were used as field artillery. However, these cannons were vulnerable to cavalry attacks, so they were often protected by nearby field constructions or support units.

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