Separate Egg Whites From The Yolk Using A Simple And Clever Trick

10 years ago

Don't you just hate trying to separate egg white from yolk? Sometimes we only need the egg whites while other times we only need the yolk. It can be a serious struggle! Take a look at this clever trick, you'll never have that problem again! This is so cool and you don't need a lot of materials either! All you need are a couple plates, a bowl, an empty water bottle and of course, eggs! From 'Bobby TV'.

First, an egg is cracked onto a plate, both the egg white and yolk are both intact. Once the egg is cracked on a plate, an empty water bottle with no cap is used to separate the yolk from the egg whites. The yolk is then transferred to the other plate. Now the egg white and yolk are separated, awesome! It doesn't only work on just one egg either, you can use this method on multiple eggs as well! As long as the yolks fit in the water bottle, you're good to go! Cool!

Check out this video on how to separate egg whites from yolks, cool!

Do you have any special knacks around the house that makes life a little easier? Let us know in the comment section down below!

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