The Chinese people have lost their faith due to the CCP, which must be taken down!

1 year ago

7/2/2023 Recently, a person surveyed pedestrians in Communist China about their faith. However, all of them responded that they had no faith or said that they didn't know. As Miles Guo has mentioned, the Chinese people have lost their faith due to the brainwashing and enslavement by the CCP. If we don't take down the CCP, which is attempting to enslave the world, all of humanity will lose their faith!
#faith #NFSC #takedown CCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
7/2/2023 最近中共国有人在街头问路人他们的信仰是什么。然而,所有人都回答说没有信仰或不知道。正如郭文贵先生所说,中国老百姓因中共的洗脑和奴役而丧失了信仰!如果不消灭妄图奴役全世界的中共,全人类都将会失去信仰!
#信仰 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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