Prophet Julie Green - It's Time to Make a Decision - With Notes and Closed Captions

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Good morning, everybody! Today is Wednesday, June 21st, 2023, and I am going to do a live show really quickly this morning. Um, I wasn't actually going to do it, but I just felt in my spirit I need to because I am doing a live show here at 11 o'clock on this channel once again here on Rumble and on Facebook with Marty Grisham from Loud Mouth Prayer. Again, it's 11 o'clock Central time. I will be back live on this channel or these channels once again, and I'm so looking forward to this live show.

I was on with Manuel Johnson yesterday if you did miss that live show, go and watch it. It was so fun. He was explaining about prophecy, and it was just...he is such a dear friend of mine, and I do love and appreciate Manuel. And also, I was on with Clay Clark and General Flynn and Thomas Rhett Thomas Renz and Andrew Sorcini. That was a great show yesterday. I will leave that link in the description box for you. It was great revelations of what these people are trying to do with this Global reset. So, things that you do need to know of what they're doing, and also with destabilizing the dollar, with what they're trying to do with the economy. Again, God has been warning about all of these things, and so it is hard here sometimes the bad stuff, but at the same time, you remember what God is saying about what He is going to do. We cannot be paying attention just to what these elitists are doing. We have to know what they're doing and have that education of, "Okay, this is what they're planning on, so this is how I'm going to pray."

But one of the things that I love about what General Flynn said yesterday is about fear. We should never, ever, ever give in to fear. Again, it was such an amazing show. He even gave the example of Psalm 23:3. I probably will even read it later on today. And the decision that God is telling us that we have to make in this prophetic word is: What side do we believe? Do we believe that our enemies are going to ultimately take over, or do we believe that God is going to be the one who's going to get the glory for what is about to take place on this Earth? Yes, the elect can even be deceived because God said in His word in Hosea 4:6 that God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. So, if we don't have the knowledge of what God is doing or what He's saying that He's going to do, then more people will give in to fear and make that choice. They're going to believe what the enemies or give into what the enemies are doing because right now, so many people are giving in to hopelessness and despair.

So again, that's another decision that people have to make. "Am I going to give into those feelings? Am I going to give into what things look like, or am I going to sit here and trust and believe God, no matter what things appear to be?"

So, I'm going to give out a prophetic word. I received this on June 8th. This is the second or third one. I think there was like four of them that day that I received during our prayer time with the team. And so, I'm going to share my screen. It is about five minutes long. Then I'll get back on here. I will explain what the Lord was saying and, of course, give the scriptures that He was giving to me while I was studying this morning. So, I'm going to share my screen here with you, and then I will be back on as soon as this clip is over.

Stop putting up with fear. Stop putting up with offense. Stop putting up with the things of the flesh. Yes, things that are used by your adversary to distract you and to keep your eyes off of me and to keep your feelings in control instead of your spirit man. Stop living like the world. Stop thinking like the world. Stop...

Say, "Lord, but how? How do we change these things? How do we change something that's so hard?"

My children, I have given you my word that renews your mind, that changes the way you think, that changes the way you talk, it changes the way you act, it changes the way you see everything around you. No more time for playing games or messing around.

He said, "Lord, why are you speaking so harshly?"

Because, my children, this is the time. No more time. Things are at hand. Things are moving behind the scenes that you can't see. It's about to hit. It's about to hit. It's about to hit. Shaking is about to hit. A shaking like no other shaking the Earth has ever seen. Not like this. No, not like this.

Stand at attention, as my children who are in the army of the Lord. Stand at attention. Don't go a day without your armor. Remember, you're protected by the blood. Stand at attention. You're fighting a great and mighty battle. Remember who's on your side. Remember who I am. Remember, not only am I on your side, but I am inside of you.

So when an enemy comes to strike with his weapons, you're a heavily armed soldier of the Lord. Make him well known. Make him known. Make it well known who you are and make him know that he can't mess with you. Make him know that he belongs underneath your feet. Make him know that when you resist him, he has to flee. He doesn't have a choice. Make him know that you know.

No more time for slow. Get to know who you are. Get to know who I am. Get to know what I have given to you. Get to know. Get to know. You have to have that knowing because that knowing is that faith, and that faith is growing, and it's growing. Water it to make it flourish. Water it with my word. Water it with my presence. Water it. Protect it. Protect your faith. Protect that trust in me. Protect it because your enemy is constantly trying to destroy it. Watch and see.

The more you protect it and the more you trust me, the more you believe in me, the more things will happen quicker for you. You talk life. Talk it every day. Speak it out loud. Speak it out loud. Life and not death, blessing and not cursing. I said these things in my word. Say them. Time is coming right at that door. Speak a word, and manifestation is right there. Click, click. Things are quicker now than they used to be. So get with me to find out all that I have for thee, saith the Lord.

There we go, alright. Now, the reason why, again, I wanted to share that one with you is because, again, he's saying that things are coming quickly now. Things are coming to a boiling point, you would say. Things are coming to a place where people will be deceived even more, people will get more frustrated, people get more in fear, they will get more angry, they will get more offended. And God is saying, this is a time where his children need to know the truth, and the truth will set them free. It is time for God's people to get into the word of God, and that brings life, that brings joy, that brings the blessing, that brings peace, that brings strength. Everything that God needs for us to have, it's in this written word, it's in his written word, which is his will.

And he had me in this morning, and again, I'll go back over that prophetic word here in a few minutes, but he gave us a couple of scriptures that he wanted me to give to you all this morning. And one of the things that he was talking about is 1 Samuel chapter 30. 1 Samuel chapter 30. I know I've read this before, but he put it on my heart again to read it for today, and I was, I just had this in my spirit. I'm like, I'm sitting here asking, "Okay Lord, why this?" And it was giving me a revelation. So I want to read this, 1 Samuel chapter 30, and verse 1.

"When David and his men came home from Ziklag on the third day, and found the Amalekites had made a raid on the South and on Ziklag, and struck Ziklag and burned it with fire. So they came home from battle, David and his men. They came home from fighting to find their home destroyed. Their women and children gone, and everything they owned was gone. So everything was, it was just disappeared. It was taken from them."

Verse 2, "And had taken the women and all who were there, both great and small, captive. They killed no one but carried them off and went on their way." So the enemies had come in and destroyed their homes, and kidnapped their wives and children, and stole everything they had.

Verse 3, "So David and his men came to the town, and behold, it was burned, and their wives and their sons and daughters were taken captive."

Verse 4, "Then David and the men with him lifted their voices and wept, until they had no more strength to weep." So they were in great distress, great discouragement, great hopelessness, great despair, because what was theirs was gone. It was their home, it was their properties, it was their families. They were taken away by the enemy.

I know there's more and more revelation they've just given to me with that scripture right there. Verse 5, "David's two wives also had been taken captive." And then it says down in verse 6, "David was greatly distressed." So he was at a pivotal moment of making a decision.

David had to make a decision at this very point when he was greatly distressed and everything had been taken from him. So again, 1 Samuel chapter 30, verse 6, "David was greatly distressed for the men spoke of stoning him." So the only people with him, the ones that were considered like his brothers because he was in the army with them, his friends, they were turning on him. And they were going to stone him because they were in such anguish and such despair. They started causing a divide, they started turning on one another during that great time of distress, frustration, and what it looked like something majorly was stolen and what they had lost. They were in despair, which they were turning on each other.

We can see in our own nations, not just this country, there are many countries that watch worldwide. Many things have happened around the world that have stolen people's freedoms, stolen their peace, stolen their joy, and for some, even stolen their families. Some family members have been taken away or some family members have been killed or they've died because of certain things that have happened in the last three years, and you guys know what I'm talking about. And so many people are in great anguish and despair.

So then, also, not only is there a great divide in this nation, the United States of America, there's Republican versus Democrat, there's this denomination against this denomination, and it's the rich against the poor or whatever, whatever, it's this divide after one after another after another. They were systematically, our enemies were doing this on purpose. But our enemy always does the same thing. He always causes great distress, great despair, and a great divide.

And at that moment when it's hopeless, at that moment when you look like you've lost everything, in that moment in time, in this moment right here, right now, the body of Christ has to make a decision. Are we going to stay divided? Just like with the enemy, what Satan was trying to do was David and his men, to get them to be separated, because if they were separated, remember David was the leader, if he could separate the leader from the people, then it would cause great discord and there wouldn't be unity, and there wouldn't be an overtaking of the enemy.

What has our enemy done to us once again? He separated or tried to separate the rightful leader with the rest of the country. Again, the enemy never does anything new. It may look like it's new, but it's not. He always causes great despair, great separation, or a great divide. And he doesn't want unity. He wants you to be so upset and so overwhelmed with the loss or what it appears to be have lost. It looks like we've lost our nation. It looks like we've lost any type of laws whatsoever, any type of justice in this land whatsoever or in your nation. It looks like all hope is lost. It looks like the enemy is coming, taking everything that is ours. They're taking the children, they're trying to take the churches.

They're trying to take our freedoms away, and it looks like all hope is lost and everything's gone. And the reason why the Lord is giving that revelation to us this morning is because David was greatly distressed, and so are his men. And they were again a great divide happened, David against the enemies, or against his own people. Excuse me, his own... I said brothers, or you can say because usually when men are in the army and women are in the army, they call themselves brothers and sisters because they're so close, like a brother. They'd fight and they would die for to save the other person. This is what happened with David. He had these people that were close with him, these people that he was in battle with, them in an army, and they were just fighting. They came back to everything stolen and lost.

So again, in First Samuel chapter 30 and verse 6, David was greatly distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him. So instead of them all coming together, praying, coming together to get what God said, "Okay, God, this is what happened. We were just fighting for you. We just won a battle. Why are we coming home and finding everything is gone?" And so instead of doing that, there was a great divide. And then it says, "So they spoke of stoning him because the souls of them were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters." But David, now again, grief or a fear of loss can cause people to panic. It can cause people to do certain things they normally wouldn't do or make certain decisions they normally wouldn't make, okay? But in the latter part of this verse, in verse 6, but David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord.

So what do we all have to do when it looks like all hope is lost? It looks like everything has been taken. It looks like there is no way to fight back. It looks like the enemy has won. It looked like that when David came back from Ziklag. His wives were gone. His children were gone. Everything was gone. Everything was burned up. Their gold and silver and anything they had for possessions, they were all gone. And some people would just sit in that place, stay in that place of despair and defeat, that got knocked down. It looks like there is no way you are going to succeed in this situation. There is no way you're gonna get out of it. But it's our decision in that valley.

Remember, okay, hold your place in First Samuel because I'm not done. When General Flynn was on yesterday, and he gave this scripture, and it was an absolutely perfect scripture, and I was absolutely just like so excited because the Lord had me that on my mind, those verses on my mind that day in Psalm 23. Again, this was from the live show from yesterday I was talking about. But now, in Psalm 23, in verse 3, he refreshes and restores my life. Myself, he leads me in the path of righteousness, uprightness, and right standing with him, not for my earning it, but for his namesake. Now listen to verse 4: Yes, though I walk through the deep, sunless valley, a shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil. You are with me.

You're right to protect your staff, to guide and they comfort me. Even though it looks like we're in the valley of the shadow of death, even though it looks like all hope is lost, even though it looks like our countries have been taken over and there's nothing that we can do about it, it looks like lawlessness is in control, it looks like injustice is running rampant, it looks like evil people have seriously taken over the world, the world economics, they've taken over all the global governments, they've taken over all the governments around the world. So, I meant to say to cause a global government, they're trying to destroy the economy in every way, shape, or form to bring in more control. It looks like everything is under attack, it looks like things are being burned in our face, that it just doesn't matter what's right or wrong, it only matters what their propaganda is, only matters what they are saying because they think they're in control.

Again, the enemy that David was facing in First Samuel chapter 30, I'm sure they thought, 'Oh, when you were not here, when you were gone, we swooped in and we stole everything from you.' That's exactly what our enemies think that they have done in our nations. They've just swooped in, stolen everything they possibly can steal from us, including our children. Look at what they're doing in schools, look what they're doing to these innocent children, look what they've done to our laws in our justice system, look what they're doing. They're trying to systematically, fundamentally change everything they can.

Now with David, sitting here in First Samuel chapter 30, I'm going to go back to that again. There's great revelations in the word of God. So, you think that you know when you're sitting there reading this and you're just like, 'Okay, this is about David,' and then all of a sudden when you're reading it and God's saying, 'Listen, this pertains to you and your life as well. This is not just about David. There is more revelation in these scriptures.' Remember, God's word is life. God's word is inexhaustible. You will never learn all about the word of God. It's living. Remember, the Word became flesh, which was Jesus Christ.

Now, so David made that decision in the valley of the shadow of death. He had to make the decision in the midst of darkness, in the midst of despair, in the midst of everything going in the wrong direction, in the midst of great loss is what it appeared like. He had to make a decision. He had to make a decision of what do I believe? Do I believe that what my enemies have done is going to last forever? When my enemy's done, there's nothing that I can do to rise above it, to overtake it, and receive back what everything has been stolen. He had to make that decision. We have to make a decision right now in our own lives, with our own children, no matter what the enemy is trying to do to them or what the enemy is trying to do to your marriages or what the enemy is trying to do to your nation, with enemies trying to do with anything that's going on in your life, you have to make a decision. Which report do I believe? Do I believe the written word of God, where it says he always causes me to triumph even in the midst of great adversity? He always causes me to triumph. One of my favorite scriptures, write this down, Micah chapter 7 verse 8.

Rejoice on, against me, O my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. No matter how many times we fall down. In this scripture, in First Samuel chapter 30, David fell down. He was greatly grieved. Everyone that he knew, that he loved, was taken, and the ones that he was with, that he also loved, that he fought with him in battle, turned against him. They were trying to stone him or kill him because of great grief.

What is the body of Christ to each other right now? In the midst of great distress, turning on one another? No, I am right, no, I am right, no, they are right, no, they are wrong. Great distress. Another tactic of the enemy to cause division. Because a house divided against itself cannot stand. He wants to divide a husband and wife. He wants to divide children and their parents. He wants to divide your family members, whether it be your sisters, your brothers, your nieces, nephews, whatever. He wants to cause division.

Why do you think in a country like the United States of America, we're supposed to be united? It's one nation under God, right? One nation under God. That's what we're supposed to be. One nation, not divided. Not divided between this party and that party and this and this. No, we are not supposed to be. We're supposed to be one nation under God. We're supposed to be proclaiming that we are one nation under God. I don't care what these people are trying to do. I don't even care how much control they think they have. We are one nation under God. I believe God, and everything that has been stolen, I know that God is going to bring it back. You know why I know that? Because he says in his word.

Now listen, what he said to David. He's no respecter of persons. Listen to David. He says, 'But David encouraged himself in the Lord.' He is God. This is verse six, the end of part of it. Now verse eight. Look at what David did. So he had to encourage himself and strengthen himself in God. You know what David did? He was a psalmist. He loved to sing. David was singing and praising and worshiping unto God, even in the midst of great sorrow.

In verse eight, David inquired of the Lord. David asked the Lord, 'What do you want me to do?' What are we supposed to ask God in the midst of all these things that are going on right now? What do you want me to do? Not, 'This is what the enemy's doing, God.' God already knows what the enemy is doing. We don't have to tell God what they're doing. He already knows that. But what we do need to do is ask God, inquire of him, 'What do you want me to do?'

Okay, then he says, 'And David inquired himself of the Lord, saying, 'Shall I pursue this troop?' And again, this is First Samuel chapter 30, verse 8. 'Shall I overtake them?' The Lord answered, 'Pursue, for you shall, it's not you might, you shall surely overtake them without fail and recover all.' A lot of people have a fear that what has been taken is not going to be given back. And even in Proverbs chapter 6, verse 30 and 31, when a thief has been caught, he's got to give it back seven times. There is a promise that God has given to us about a retroactive restoration.

David wanted a restoration of what the enemy had done, by what they had stolen from him. And God says, 'You can pursue, you will overtake, and you will recover all.' That should be our motto today as born-again children of Almighty God, that we are going to pursue, that we are going to overtake, and we are going to recover all that has been stolen. Instead of the enemy beating us down over and over again, day after day, with stress, with hopelessness, with fear, with worry, anxiety, with impossibility, or 'This is impossible, this is impossible,' and it gets people in a type of despair like David and his men. They were in great distress. They were in great despair. And again, God is saying, 'You have a choice to make today.

You have a choice to be in despair, like they were in despair, and believe what the enemy has done. That's it, that's the final thing, that's the final say, or the decision that we can make. And we can realize as a child of the Most High God, I refuse to sit here in this despair. I refuse to sit here in this defeat. I refuse to sit here in this anguish and this hopelessness, and the enemy saying that everything's so impossible around me and nothing is going to change, this is going to last forever.

I thank you, Father God. I am going to make the decision, and like you said in Micah chapter 7 and verse 8, 'Rejoice on, against me, O my enemy, for when I fall, I might have fallen in despair. I might have fallen in this hopelessness and this overwhelming feeling of defeat. But I am going to get up today and I'm going to encourage myself in the Lord because the Lord has promised me in Second Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14 that he always causes me to triumph.'

He says in First John 4:4, 'The greater one lives on the inside of me, that he that's in the world.' So the one who's inside of me is greater than these globalists. The one that's inside of me is greater than all of this injustice. The one that's inside of me is greater than the situations that I'm facing. The one inside of me is greater than these feelings. The one inside of me, who's the greater one.

He even said, hold on, one of my another one of my favorite scriptures right now too. I mean, all scriptures are my favorite, really, because I love the whole Bible. But right now, First John 5 and verse 4, 'For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world.' Whatever is born of God is victorious over the world. You are a world overcomer if you are a child of the Most High God.

You can say, 'Julie, both the globals have done this. They're doing this. They're taking over. These people have stolen our governments. They've stolen our elections. They've done all these things to take over. They're in control of the economy. They're in control of the school boards. They're in control of what's going on all over the world. They're in control.' Who says?

Remember, the enemies, and even the Bible, they were allowed a certain amount of what it looked like of their victory, when in fact, it was going right into their defeat. God was setting them up, letting them do what they think they were going to do, to set them up for their ultimate defeat and destruction.

Not once has God, with a child of God who is bound and determined to say and make this choice, 'God, I believe you,' you said to David, and I know, Father God, I have a better covenant than David did. He had the old covenant. I'm a part of the New Covenant, and I'm a seed of Abraham.

And you told David in First Samuel chapter 30, after he lost everything, you told him to pursue, overtake, and recover all. If he got to recover all that was stolen from him, I expect the same. I expect because it says in your word, you're no respecter of persons. That means if you did it for one, you'll do it for somebody else. And I thank you, Father God, that I will pursue and I will overtake and I will recover all that's been stolen from me, or have been stolen with my children, or been stolen in my marriage, or been stolen in my nation, or has been stolen with me financially. No matter what it is, God will bring it back.

God is the God. Okay, hold on, he's bringing a scripture to me.

He is a God who restores. Now, we see what's going on in the world today. This is not the first time that the enemy has tried to do these things. He has been doing the same exact thing since time began. He has been stealing what belongs to mankind. He's been trying to steal it, weasel his way in there, distort truth, and take what was rightfully somebody else's. He's been doing that since the beginning. He did that to Adam and Eve. It started back then.

Now, look at what this says in Joel. Write these scriptures down. This is in Joel, chapter 2, verse 23: "Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for He gives you the former rain in just measure and in righteousness, and He causes to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain, as before."

Now, listen to what He also says in verse 24: "And the threshing floor shall be full of grain; the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil." And in verse 25: "I will restore or replace for you the years." He's going to restore and replace the years. He says it. The locusts have eaten, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, the crawling locusts, my great army which I sent among you. What was that? He had to let these things happen to shake and awaken people up when we're on a course of destruction and we don't know it.

So, say for instance, I have three sons. Okay, and if my sons were on a course of destruction, if they kept making wrong decisions, one wrong decision after another, as a mom who prays and thinks about what God would say or do about it, I give them that choice to think about it. Stop and think about what you're doing. Think about the choices you're making and how they're not only affecting yourself but also how they're affecting other people around you.

Don't you think, even as imperfect as I am, that if we were making poor choices or bad decisions, He would want to somehow get our attention? Do you think He would want to say, "Hey, I'm getting your attention. Things are going in a really bad path"? Sometimes He has to allow things to happen. He didn't want to. That was not His decision. Remember, He says in Deuteronomy, "I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose." You choose. "I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. You choose."

Again, I'll give the example of the journey of Israel when they were wandering around, going from Egypt to the Promised Land where they were supposed to take, which was like 11 or whatever how many days that was. God's will was to go from one place to the other. But what really happened was God's people limited God. God spoke through Joshua and Caleb, saying, "Caleb, we are more than able." Because it looked like God promised us this Promised Land, and it was taken from us by giants. Our land was stolen, and they were just gonna let whoever inhabited that land, which was not rightfully theirs. They were literally going to allow the enemy who stole something he shouldn't have stolen. He stole a land that was not his or his descendants'. The enemy. It was God's land and God's descendants.

But God's children had to make that choice in that time period. Joshua and Caleb said, "We are more than able. Let's go. We are more than able to go take, pursue, overtake, and recover all." That's what I'm saying. They were saying that Joshua and Caleb, basically. "Hey, let's go. Let's recover this land. This is our land. The land of Canaan is ours. This is the promised sign that God has given."

How many times, now listen, the children of Israel did not listen. They listened to the evil report or the lie. They listened to what things looked like. They listened to how they were feeling. They were going by their feelings. "We can't. These people are just too big. They're too strong. They outnumber us. We can't take them out. We can't take what's rightfully ours. We have to just give up." And they did.

There are two voices in the world right now: God's and our enemies'. God is saying, "Take back your nation. Take back your freedoms." Legalism and religion and all these other people will say, "All hope is gone. There's nothing we can do. You might as well sit here and take it. Darkness is set in, and this is something that we can't change. Nothing's gonna be done about it." Whose report are you gonna believe?

I'm standing, and I will never ever ever ever give up for an evil report saying this is not possible. With God, all things are possible. God is telling His troops, "Pursue what we're taking. Recover all." Don't give up. Don't quit. Pursue where you stand and fight the good fight of faith. Speak the Word of God. Speak what God is telling you. If your enemy is trying to take your children, no matter what they're trying to take your children with, you say, "Uh-uh. I'm taking my children back today in Jesus' name. I'm taking them back by the Word of God and by my testimony. I am receiving my children. Satan, take your hands off my children. I command my children to come home in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I command their freedom in their soul. I command their freedom from all of these things that are trying to deceive them out of truth."

The same thing you can say with a marriage or anything else. God will give you the exact things to say. I've given the example many times of what happened with my children and how the enemy tried to kill them. Two of them, twice. Four times the enemy tried to do that with two of my children. And every single time, in that decision, I had to make a decision whether I was going to give in to fear (which I've done many times in the past because I used to be controlled by it) or not go by feelings. I couldn't go by what things looked like. I had to make a decision. I made a decision that I'm going to stand on the Word of God, that I'm going to choose life for my children, that Satan will not kill them, that death could not hold them. And I kept proclaiming life and proclaiming the words that God said, and it changed the course. It changed what happened to them.

The enemy tries to come in like a thief in the night and steal your peace, your joy, your marriages, your kids, your finances, our countries. And people just sit back and let it happen. We have to realize we're not fighting against people. We're fighting against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world. So we have decisions to make right now. He's giving us a decision. It's decision time.

Are we going to be like David? Look at David and Goliath. I've given this example many times. He pursued Goliath when everybody else ran away. Many Christians are not even standing up. They don't even think that anything is going to change. They don't think that we can fight. They don't think that God's going to do anything. They think, "Well, if anything's going to change, we just have to wait for another election." Are you serious? Do you think another election is going to change anything? Do you think this time they're just not going to steal an election? This time they're just not going to do anything?

Now they're trying to take our rightful president out by idiotic, stupid stuff that they're doing, but they're saying that he's doing it. They think the law is on their side—the DOJ, the CIA, the FBI. They have all these things, and we're up against these giants. We're up against all these things that we just can't overcome. We can't overcome this injustice, this lawlessness, this evil by ourselves. We have to realize we can't overcome this by ourselves and by our ability. We can't do it.

But I want to read something else. I'm going to go back to First Samuel again. I said I wasn't going to be on long, but when the Lord wants to speak, I'm not going to stop. Look at what it says in verse 19, First Samuel chapter 30. "David recovered all." Underline that in your Bible. David recovered all. That's amazing what God can do when we stand up and fight.

Why can't we say we recover all? Do you know that God says our rightful president is? He says President Trump is His David. This is not about a man; this is about God and God's will. David was the one out of all his team to stand up and say, just like he was the only one who dared to fight Goliath when all the other soldiers were running away. David said, "I can fight this dude, you know why? Because he doesn't have a covenant. I have a covenant with almighty God, and I'm not alone." David dared to stand up. Saul hated David for that. He became jealous.

Look at what's going on right now. They're trying to take everything from David, God's David. They're trying to take everything from us. Everything is a type and shadow. God will give you revelations. This is not something that can't be overcome. This is not something that can't be recovered. But we, as the body of Christ, have to know how to pursue, how to take, and how to recover all. We're going to stand and fight the good fight of faith. We're going to speak words of recovery. We have to stop complaining because it even says in God's word in Psalms that God's people limited the Holy One of Israel.

Because of murmuring, groaning, and complaining, we have to stop complaining about these government officials. I know it's hard. It's hard not to complain about their idiocy and what they're doing. It's hard not to complain about the injustices, the lawlessness, the tyranny. But God is saying, "Don't complain about it. If you complain about it, you remain in that situation." The children of Israel complained about everything, and they remained in the wilderness.

Again, this is not about people. God has to use people. The enemy uses people. Obviously, God uses people. This is a spiritual battle that we're facing in the nations around the world. So what do we do? We have to fight it spiritually. If all the church, if all the body of Christ, if Jesus's head, if we actually get in line with Jesus and start saying what Jesus is telling us to say, you know what, Lord? I thank you. I take back the freedoms in this nation.

How do we take it back? We take it back with our words. God said, "I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. You choose." We have a right to choose right now if we're going to sit and sulk and feel sorry for ourselves. Because you know what, many people, and I'm telling you, I used to be one of these people, because so many things were wrong in my life, I had so much pain, I had so much sickness in so many different areas of my life, I was just... I was a messed up person emotionally, spiritually, everything you can think of. Physically, I was a hot mess, you would say. And I just sat there in sulk and felt sorry for myself because I just could not... I just wanted to feel good for one day, or I just wanted to go one day without having a panic attack or one day without being in so much torment in my mind. I just felt sorry for myself.

Everybody, at some point or another, can get when they're in a really hard fight, in a really hard battle. You can get that self-pitying, you can get that sulking. And that's where Satan pounds you down on the ground, and then you won't get up and fight. You won't fight in self-pity. You have to get fed up with the enemy stealing from you and say, "You know what? You're not going to steal my healing anymore. You are not going to steal my peace in my mind because I have a sound mind. That's what's been promised to me. You are not going to steal my marriage anymore. You're not going to steal my children anymore. You're not going to steal my finances anymore. You're not stealing my country anymore. You are not stealing the freedoms that Jesus bought and died for. He paid for my freedoms."

So many men and women in this country that served our country, that they didn't come home. They fought and died for our freedom. They fought, they died, they didn't come home. We honor them by not giving up. Let's not give up. We are in a valley of decision. Things are going to look rough. Things are going to look ridiculous. Things are going to look crazy. Things are going to look overwhelming. It's going to look like everything is gone. Remember First Samuel chapter 30. He told David to pursue, retake, and recover all.

Why would He not tell us that? Why would He tell David, "I'm going to give you back everything that's stolen from you, no matter what they took, no matter how long it's been gone"? Why would He tell us, when we're crying out to God and we're telling Him, "Lord, look at all that's been stolen"?

God is absolutely good. Why would He say, "Not this time, not this time"? God would never say that. God would never tell you no to a victory that's already been paid for. God would never tell you no to restoration that's already been paid for. It's a promise. God's not telling us no when it comes to saving our nation, bringing back justice. God is the God of justice. Why would He tell us no?

These are times where we have to make a decision. Am I going to believe a doctrine? Am I going to believe legalism? Am I going to believe what I was taught as a kid, even though it was wrong? Am I going to believe my feelings? Am I going to believe what it looks like and what the enemy is saying? All they're doing is they're full of hot air. They think they are in control. They think they have all this power. It's like Goliath did. Goliath thought he had all the power in the world, and he was nothing compared to God Almighty.

We have another David and Goliath type of situation right now. But in this David and Goliath situation, David was the unlikely one. No one would have picked him. But he was the only one who dared to stand. Just think, God, God still gets the glory. It wasn't David. God gets the glory for Goliath. David was a 16 or 15-year-old boy, a young teenager. He had a stone. He had five stones, but he used one and hit Goliath the only place that was not covered as hard as he did. It was a slingshot and a stone. That was God. The angel armies were with David, just like they were with him when he fought against a lion and a bear, just like they were with David when he recovered all when he came back to Ziklag and everything was stolen from him. God is with us right now. Our angel armies are with us right now. There's more in us than there is of them.

So what do we do today? We make a choice. I'm going to believe the authority in that name of Jesus, that name above every name. I'm going to believe that Jesus is my victory. I'm going to believe that things are changing, that we are recovering what has been stolen from us, and I mean everything. I mean everything. That includes our health, our well-being, a sound mind. The enemy has ultimately been destroying the body of Christ by doing all these things. These globalists, all that they've done to our food, to our air, to our soil, with medication, with the news, with the fear-mongering, with their propaganda, all these things that they do. They did that to God's people.

They got back everything in the Exodus. The peace of mind, they got back their health, and they got back their wealth. God restored the years that were stolen from the children of Israel when they were in Egypt. No feeble among them, and no feeble among us. We start taking back what's rightfully ours. It says it is God's word, but Jesus' stripes were healed. So why don't we just start taking back our healing today? Taking back a sound mind today, taking back our families, our children, our finances, our jobs, our nations, taking back everything. Taking it back and recover all that's been stolen from you today.

How do you do that? By speaking the word of God, speaking life into your situation, speaking blessings to your situations. I don't care if it looks like nothing's changing, keep doing it. You're between that amen and there it is. Wait, hold on, seize, hold fast to your hope without wavering. Because if you don't move and you stand your ground, you will get back everything that's been stolen because God is the one who is recovering all. He's given us that promise to do so.

So I will tell you today, think about it, think about what Jesus has done, think about His promises, think about everything that He has for you, and don't let go of it. And demand everything back from our adversary, no matter what we see. And the next, I don't know what it's going to be, I'm not going to give you a date, I'm not a date setter, I don't know when all this is going to happen. But before it even gets worse, let's make a decision now so when it does, we are not shaken. Okay, we are not moved, we are strong people in the army of the Lord. We're children of Almighty God, we're overcomers.

So I want to pray over each and every one of you today, that you can make this decision. And if you don't feel like you can, if you don't feel like you're strong enough, God will give you the ability. So heavenly father, right now in the name of Jesus, I thank you that there's no distance in the spiritual realm. I thank you, Father God, that I lift up every person at the sound of my voice, and I thank you that you are giving them the strength to persevere, to pursue, to overtake, and recover all that's been stolen from them. Father God, I thank you that we are recovering everything the enemy has stolen. I thank you that he has to give it back seven times. I thank you, Father God, that it resonates in your children, it becomes such a great revelation no matter what's been stolen from them, that they can get it back. I thank you, Father God, that you are the one restoring the years, you are the one restoring our nations, you are the one restoring our freedoms, you're the one restoring our health, you're the one restoring our wealth. You're the one restoring all that the enemy has done. And I thank you, Father God, that the enemy is underneath our feet, you have made the enemy our footstool.

I thank you, Father God, you've made the enemy that we are far above, Prince of powers and powers and rules of the judges of this world. We are far above because we have the name above every name. And I thank you, Father God, that name above every name is rising up on the inside of your people. It's rising up on the inside of the church to be one with the head, because we are the body.

There is a great decision that people are making and a great alignment is being made. I thank you, Father God, that we are restoring, that we are recovering. That nothing the enemy has done will not stand in the name of Jesus Christ. I thank you, Father God, for giving back their peace that's been stolen, giving back their joy that's been stolen, bringing back their health that's been stolen, bringing back their children that have been stolen, bringing back their jobs that have been stolen and give them better ones.

I thank everything that Satan meant for harm, you are turning into something good. But we take our nations back, Father God, in your name. We take back the justice in your name because you are the God of justice. We thank you that we are not defeated, we thank you that we're not outnumbered because we have the angel armies with us. We thank you, Father God, that you are the Waymaker, that you are the God whom nothing is impossible. We thank you that you are not defeated, and we thank you that we are on your side. We thank you that you live in us and that you're rising up on the inside of each and every one of us, Father God, to grow stronger and stronger in your name. And we thank you for it in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

Well, hope to encourage you today. Again, don't forget, I will be back on live here once again at 11 o'clock Central Time with Marty Grisham from Loud Mouth Prayer. So I will see you in a few hours. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day!

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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International


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