Ron Johnson on exposing the DOJ corruption, ongoing Biden Regime investigation

1 year ago

@SenRonJohnson discusses the DOJ arresting and silencing Dr. Gal Luft in November 2022, after their refusal to investigate Luft's March 2019 evidence suggesting the Bidens used an FBI mole named "One Eye" to exchange classified information for bribe money from CEFC China Energy.

"What's very interesting about Dr. Luft is he's an energy expert who had a think-tank and consulted with people like CIA Director James Woolsey and Robert McFarlane, and he was consulting with CEFC. The same Chinese company connected to the Communist Party that was paying the Bidens millions of dollars.

When he heard that Joe Biden was going to run for president, that alarmed him because he knew how compromised that Joe Biden would be. So, he met with two prosecutors from the SDNY and four FBI agents in Brussels in March of 2019.

What's interesting about those individuals is one of those prosecutors from SDNY is the same prosecutor that prosecuted Patrick Ho, the CEFC money launderer that paid Hunter Biden $1 million to defend him, and in that trial, he prevented the name of the Bidens from being brought into court. Also, one of the FBI agents was the same agent that signed the subpoena from the Hunter Biden laptop.

What Dr. Luft has shown is the same financial transaction, the millions of dollars, the $100,000 per month retainer, and $65,000 per month for James Biden paid by CEFC. He's got a wealth of information, but they never followed up on that meeting. Instead, they arrested him in Cyprus to silence him... He's an important witness, he needs to be granted immunity to be able to testify and tell his story."

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