Do I unknowingly support Evil?

1 year ago

Hot Bible Talk With The Evangelist and The Beard:

Many Mature Christians would say nothing they do or support is Evil. But is that true?

There are many things going on in the world today that are pure Evil, but we support them with our time, energy, or money anyway although we may not recognize them for what they are. Everything from politics to buying goods made in China to the Movies or TV shows we watch, and sometimes even places that call themselves churches involve Evil. And if we support them we are supporting Evil even if we do not know it.

But it might also be simpler than that. Any SIN is Evil. And if we are supporting or not condemning that sin, then we are supporting Evil. But let's be clear, we are never to condemn the PERSON doing the sin, just the SIN.

Join us for this exciting episode of Hot Bible Talk With The Evangelist and The Beard.

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