Tenebrae Titanas, In Ebonae Maw, Intra Cosmicam Tenebris Pt.2: Aseer The Duke of Tiers

1 year ago

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Aseer The Duke of Tiers
Tenebrae Titanas, In Ebonae Maw, Intra Cosmicam TenebrisPt.2
translates to
Dark Titans, The Ebony Maw, Within a Cosmic Dark

In 1984 at Edwards Air force Base a Megalithic so called Alien space crafts appeared and met with the top brass of the day. These so called Aliens were from a conquering race, with many celestial systems under their control. They appeared to look like and be so called African American.
With hight technology, awesome weapons and well built physiques. They warned of what would happen if the US continued with their current policies, inspired by other aliens like the Tall whites, Greys, and Reptillians. They left as quickly as they came. To wit, form that point on the US initiated a war on the so called black races, for fear of sleepers of the Melanin dominant Alien races hiding amongst us. This treatise gets into the real fear of the black cosmic boogey men, and how we are being prepared for a greater reveling.

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