Heart Issues – Part 6 ~ Do You Want to be Made Well?

1 year ago

Heart Issues – Part 6

Do You Want to be Made Well?

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Matt.5:33-37, James 4:13-17, John 5:1-8

It is interesting to me when Jesus asked this man if he wanted to be made well, he didn’t say yes. Instead it’s almost as if he said, its not my fault.
What is on my heart is to help us understand various places that I have heart issues and am stuck this way.
“Oh no, not another issue I have to deal with.”
Why don’t people want to be made whole? They are used to things the way they are, and it takes work.
I already know what this looks like, and I have learned to live with it.

Sometimes our issues have become such a part of our lives and identity that we have difficulty letting them go. I must decide what is more important to me – being made well or having a reason to say, "Woe is me."

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