Reclaiming Media & Restoring Truth in Society Part 9

1 year ago

Part 9 - Parts 1-8 primarily covered the need to create a new system, what it would look like and how it would operate, essentially covering the “government” part of the firewall protecting the people. Part 9 is about the second aspect of the firewall: the media. It has long been known that Main Stream Media has been captured by corporations and that all major media is now owned by 6 massive corporations. Corporations who advertise and propagandize the public on these Main Stream Media and thus, have power over the message delivered by all of them. There is NO more “fourth estate” left to keep anyone in check - government OR business. That is a massive problem for a non-thinking public who naïvely and mindlessly believe most, if not all that they see and hear on these outlets.
We all need to educate as . We need to unite to create a new system which will honor the truth and seek to ensure that all sides of every debate is heard and the results abide by Natural Law in the new Republics of the world. This is our chance to take back our power by ending the lies and universal deceit of these legacy entities that have long outlived their utility and usefulness. They are a danger to society and an enemy of humanity for what they have done over the past decades plus. It is time for the insanity to END.

(Apologies for the low quality of this video. Program kept crashing when rendering, Had to get creative to finish the final cut. It’s not to my standards, but it’s the way I wanted to make it, so something had to give. The message is the most important part...)

For more information and a knowledge base of all one needs to know to understand better how this world REALLY works and how we must unite to go about FIXING it, please check out:

Creating a Natural Law Republic & Parts 1 -10
Where We Are & Where We're Going Part 1
Imagining A Better Future Part 2
Exposing Fatal Flaws of Government & Top-Down Societal Control Part 3
The Death of Government & Rise of the Natural Law Society Part 4
How A Public Service Admin Works in A Natural Law Republic Part 5
Creating A Social Contract With Real Protection Part 6
Crime, Reparation, & Reform in a Natural Law Justice System Part 7
Keeping Corporations in Check! Part 8
Reclaiming Media & Restoring Truth in Society Part 9
Creating a New Education System Part 10
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