WARNING! Banks Now Refusing All Cash Withdrawals & Closing Accounts

1 year ago

It's more about boosting their profits and also having more financial control over you and how and where and when you spend your money, analyze this clip of this woman that was unable to withdraw her money.

But that's going to be the least of your worries. The Free Speech Union had their accounts closed with PayPal that tells you what their real agenda really is, they want to shut down free speech and free thought altogether. Of course these banks come out and say look this is not political it's just a commercial decision and banks all the banks won't wanna do business with you.

In the past you were allowed to hold huge amounts of cash, but in today's society if you walk around with 50'000 dollars in cash the police are gonna deem you a criminal and will confiscate that money.

Scream It From the Mountain Top
First published at 15:12 UTC on July 9th, 2023.

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