Apes, Humans, and Fast Women! | Mon. 7-10-23

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Media against the people. Monkeys vs Apes! Fast ladies! Morning Star biblical discussion. Callers bash evil people!

The Hake Report, Monday, July 10, 2023 AD

0:00:00 Start / Topics
0:04:14 Hey guys! Hassan at the beach; Lynyrd Skynyrd
0:10:39 Race, crime, AP
0:23:42 Scooter shooter
0:35:17 WILLIAM: Music fan
0:40:16 WILLIAM: Mimicking American blacks?
0:47:02 Monkeys vs Apes: tails, uprightness, intelligence
0:59:55 No Taboo - White Heart (1987)
1:06:43 Supers: Flat Earth, Public Enemy, IQ…
1:13:06 Fastest women: Flo-Jo, Jamaicans, Tim Scott-looking gal
1:22:10 Hake Chat: "Morning Star" Jesus/Satan (Hassan)
1:30:44 Hake Chat: Balltard, El Paso Walmart evil vs evil
1:32:40 THOMAS, OK: Look into Nephilim, FE, lied to
1:41:21 CJ, TX: Humans before Adam, Eve not commanded
1:48:45 ALEX, CA: Antifa, SF, black encounters
1:55:41 Supers / They Don't Know - The Cootees (1997)

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