Thimerosal - This is what is in Vaccines - Dr. Mark Geier and Dr. David Geier

1 year ago

Thimerosal has been marketed under the trade name Merthiolate. It is related to merbromin (Mercurochrome) and nitromersol (Metaphen). The presence of mercury, which by weight constitutes about 50 percent of the thimerosal compound, is responsible for the disinfecting action, which precipitates the protein of a microorganism and disrupts its metabolism.

But it's safe in small doses, right? Bullshit.

It is labeled very toxic and has Cumulative Effects. It's highly neurotoxic and combines (alloys) with other heavy metals like aluminum and copper in organs such as the liver which can result in psoriasis, eczema and other dermal problems and when it crosses the blood brain barrier it can allow with aluminum to cause ADHD and Autism in children and Alzheimer and Dementia in adults.

In the blood can cause kidney damage, allergies, and reproductive developmental toxicity.

Found in tetanus and influenza vaccines. Today, influenza vaccines are recommended for ALL Pregnant Women, ALL Infants, ALL children on a YEARLY bases and of course they push the flu shots to the elderly.

Every doctor and their patients need to know this.

Once this shit enters the body it's extremely difficult to remove and it's crap-shoot on where it settles and accumulates in the body. Different organs = different symptoms which = different lables which = different diagnosis which = different toxic drugs for each separate diagnosis.
Nothing like treating illnesses caused by toxins with more toxins.

Is there any wonder why people are constantly getting sick and tired?

Don't you just love medical "healthcare"?

Healthcare is the disguise for sick care to keep the door revolving for Pharma.

It's actually a crime against humanity and they train our doctors to believe the designed fake science that always matches their desired outcomes. Yeah, go figure.

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