"EVEN IF" MercyMe DOVE AWARDs VERSION & Bart Millard SINGER/SONGWRITER 1 Minute testamony

1 year ago

My very personal testImony, Randy; at Tabernacle of David SON.
This song written by Bart Millards of MercyMe; when he had a bad day. Little did Bart know, I would cry, praise, and heal from the lingering post-traumatic stress of my 40 year old Christian trial of fire, the fear of God, and many years of anxiety about the serious topic of, "falling from grace". "EVEN IF" the Lord didn't rescue me, at least not in my way, I tried to cling to any promise I could find, in the Bible, by my own strength. Unknowingly, using up my measure of faith entirely on worry, my faith meter dropped to empty, like a tank of automotive gasoline. I was ship wrecked, and I completely collapsed because my trial was more than I thought God, "would place on anyone". Though I collapsed like Jesus did carrying His cross, He like Simeon, was carrying me. Although I became faithless, The LORD remained faithful, through the many years the trial consumed, most of the 1980's.
Raised in Greensboro, North Carolina and born again in 1976 with an Easter Day/ Moses Mountain experience. I had somehow underestimated a step that John the Baptist lost his head over, REPENTANCE, in the pride of my salvation experience. Although I knew I was saved by Grace, I didn't know I would require so much of it. Truly Amazing Grace. So, years later in 1981, I experienced, quite willingly, Water Baptism, in Brownsville, Kentucky. An act I later discovered is essentially being buried into the death of Christ, though still uninformed; that I was still slightly, "UNREPENTANT". Get the picture, sinful guy wants to be like Sinless LORD.
Beloved, thus came my unknowing trial of fire, 1 PETER 4:12, while mercury poisoned, with mad hatter disease,(It is legit), from open bottle, dental amalgam, mercury dispensers in a U.S. Public Heath Service, dental office. I was becoming, part of the epidemic of suicidal dentists, that the (ADA) American Dental Assoc. and even the U.S. deep state government, that I was employed by, had spent 100 years allegedly, criminally, ignoring, and covering up. Surviving is all I accomplished, until now at least.
My act of genuine return to my first love of God came in 2016, my act of repentance was 2014. It was a confession, Father God forgive me, for all my disobedience, but specifically for ignoring your guidance, "Do not go to dental school". On the first day of dental school we were told, "welcome to the number one dental school in America. Do you realize the career you have chosen, has the highest, alcohol, suicide, and divorce rate." Now I get it mercury, mercury, and more mercury dentistry. Don't laugh, 70% Americans have mercury amalgam in there mouth, mercury vaporizes below body temperature. Doubters go to IAOMT.org.; that I would join in 2005.
But on that day in 1976, I chose to stay, against the LORD's guidance, for a pursued 33 year career of dental practice. All with my daily broken thermometer doses, literally, of mercury from silver filling mix. Yea, I stayed for the challenge and pride, it can't happen to me. Alcohol, suicide, and divorce statistics are for others. My real problem that day was the fear of public speaking, telling my dental school 1st day class mates, the LORD had something else for me. Yea, what irony, for some the fear of public speaking, more than the fear of death.
Like Israel, it took me 40 years, to enter the promise land of trusting God's WORD. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Of course the "devil" was in the details in the TRIAL OF FIRE OF 1982, because he is a coward, a liar, and is doomed. Although with his assistance, the devil; that is, I BECAME FAITHLESS; HE, THE LORD JESUS; THAT IS, REMAINED FAITHFUL. 2 Timothy 2:13
To HIM be the Glory, forever. Amen. Randy
As you know, from this testimony, Grace is sufficient for salvation, and doubting my Salvation, was a condition, of blindness, of a unrepentant, sin sick, believer and confessor of Christ. The LORD LED ME IN THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, "requiring all missing steps", like repentance, FOR HIS NAME SAKE, HE HAD TO, IT WAS A PROMISE! Psalm 23
"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling", Philippians 2:12, while the Grace of our LORD JESUS, flows like a river, sustaining you in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, not your righteousness, the filthy rags of pride or un-repentance.

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The above video is the Tabernacle of David SON summary version of these below descripted videos; credit, blessings, and thanks to;
MERCYME and to Jesus Christ alone, our LORD, for HIS Salvation for each of us!
1.Singer/songwriter of MERCYME, Bart Millard "Even If" Testimony; 1 minute short version.

2. EVEN IF", 48th Dove AWARDS (live)

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