Tristan Tate a few years ago in Romania

1 year ago

Tristan Tate a few years ago in Romania when he was trying to convince a famous person that he is a decent person.
Tristan avoids the questions of the reporter who correctly perceives that he is not an ok guy (and so did the person that dated him at that time Bianca) but slips one in: a woman doesn't need to know how to fight, she has me and Andrew.
Talk about mysoginism here. The reporter correctly points out that a woman also needs self defense if she is agressed.
Back then we see a complexed Tristan Tate suggesting Bianca would date him for money. Also he talks about a "crazy ex psycho" which was not his ex girlfriend.
Tristan Tate also avoids some honest questions from the reporter by saying its my private life, in the same time he has no problem talking about other stuff or avoiding the reporter altoghether and not talk to him.
We can see him also wearing some pink pedo shoes.
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