Seasoned FBI Officer Serves as a CCP Thug

1 year ago

07/08/2023 Nicole on Wayne Dupree Show: The Big Tech and social media giants in the United States take orders from the FBI and the White House to suppress dissent, literally like private companies in Communist China obeying the Chinese Communist Party. Even seasoned FBI officers have become thugs of the CCP.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/08/2023 妮可作客《 Wayne Dupree Show》节目:美国大科技公司和社交媒体巨头听从联邦调查局和白宫的命令,打压异见,简直就像中共国的私营公司听命于中国共产党一样。甚至美国经验丰富的联邦调查局官员竟沦为中共的打手。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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