Long Fast Round 2: Day 9

1 year ago

9th July 23 - First 24hr dry fast.

Dry fasting is an element of my fasting lifestyle that I am working to refine, and the idea is that it gets easier the cleaner our body gets. A true dry fast means you limit your exposure to water, that means no drinking liquids, no enemas, no showers, and if you're really serious, not even brushing your teeth for a set period of time.

I woke up this morning and commenced preparations which consists of the mainly morning protocol routines, however I omit the psyllium mix prior to commencing dry fasting. I completed my morning enemas with a small amount of waste being
eliminated. Roughly an hour later I started feeling some detox symptoms, slight nausea and discomfort in the stomach, I considered doing another round of enemas prior to kicking off my dry fast however there was no need, I ended up eliminating a mass amount of dark greenish yellowish sludge and I felt immensely better afterwards.

I managed to kick off my dry fast around 0830am, so I will go through to 0830am the following day. In my previous long fast, after my dry fasting days I would see big releases of plaque and parasites; I am looking forward to seeing what comes out this second time around!

I spent my day relaxing and honouring this deep healing process, laying in the sun, reading and achieving some light tasks around the home.

Detox symptoms I experienced today:
• Nausea

Tools I used today to combat detox symptoms:
• Enemas
• Oil pulling
• Dry brushing
• Sun bathing

• More mental clarity
• Inspiration to create, for me my outlet is writing

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