💥74% 的新冠疫苗尸检死亡是由疫苗引起的!

1 year ago

💥74% of COVID-19 vaccine autopsy deaths were caused by the vaccine!
Peter McCullough, Harvey Risch, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, and colleagues searched all published autopsy reports up to May 18, 2023, related to COVID-19 vaccination. Of 325 autopsy cases, they found "a total of 240 deaths ( 73.9 %) were independently judged to be directly or largely caused by COVID-19 vaccination!

💥74% 的新冠疫苗尸检死亡是由疫苗引起的!
Peter McCullough、Harvey Risch、Roger Hodkinson 医生及其同事搜索了截至 2023 年 5 月 18 日为止所有已发表的与新冠疫苗接种相关的尸检报告,在 325 例尸检病例中,他们发现“共有 240 例死亡(73.9 %)被独立判定为直接因 COVID-19 疫苗接种所致或在很大程度上由其导致!
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