Fall of the Cabal Sequel - FULL - S02 E01/27 - 🇺🇸 English (Engels) - 13h11m52s

1 year ago

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🇺🇸 Fall of the Cabal, the Sequel (English)


Do you know about Cyntha and Janets new project?

The children. It is always the children who suffer the most from the bad behaviour of the 'adults'. How many children suffer unnecessary hunger in the world? How many children have to work for a pittance? How many children spend their youth in slave labour?

But also: How many children grow up with paedophiles? Are used as sex slaves for satanic pleasure? Are tortured, brainwashed and emotionally destroyed?

When will this centuries-long torture of children end? When can children finally be children and grow up to be actual adults?

In the live presentations they will go deep into it.
More info: https://www.fallcabal.com/product/presentation-all-about-the-children-part-1/

Many people underestimate the impact the current 2030 Agenda has on our children. After all, who can see the whole picture?

That's where this presentation comes in. To give you an overall picture of how the entire society is being attacked from within to carry out the elite's agenda.

Protect your children from what is taking place in schools, sports clubs, TV, libraries, literally EVERYWHERE! Never before have children been so exposed to confusing and disempowering messages as they are now!

It is about time to expose it all, see it for what it is and collectively say NO! THIS MUST STOP!

Make sure you are well informed. Not just as a parent, but also as a grandparent, uncle/aunt, neighbor and as part of the community!


👀 The whole collection FOTC

🇺🇸 Fall of the Cabal (English):
Serie 1. Episodes 01 - 10:

🇳🇱 Val van de Cabal (Dutch):
Serie 1. Episodes 01 - 10:

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