Lawyer Ken Nicolson - Taking Them To Court

1 year ago

Lawyer Ken Nicolson, along with Casey Hodgkinson & Barry Duffield speak with FreeNZ about their intent to take the government to court over the forced rollout of the covid vaccine, which caused much harm to many New Zealanders, of which Casey and Barry are just two. This is about drawing a line in the sand.

If you have been hurt, harmed or maimed, this is an opportunity to stand up, to fight for all Kiwis, to have your voice heard in a safe environment, and tell the courts of your experience, and to take true justice to this tyrannical government.

To support the legal fund for Barry and Casey:

Name: Court Account
Bank: Westpac
Number: 03-0275-0535135-001

Our 2023 Update With Casey -

Barry Duffield & Casey Hodgkinson Interview -

Our most recent update with Barry -

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