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Information for the bishops of the five continents - Restoring the spiritual core in the Church
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In the second half of the 19th century, under the influence of the Enlightenment, atheistic Darwinism and negative philosophical currents, a heretical current called Modernism entered the Church. The words science and scientific approach became magical, but the living God has no place in Modernism. In 1907, Pope St Pius X was forced to expel almost half of the seminarians and professors. Even though Modernism was banned, in half a century the crypto-modernists succeeded together with the Freemasons in promoting John XXIII as Pope. John XXIII summoned a Council and chose these very people as moderators of the Council, who fully opened the Church to the world. Today, the fruit of this heretical trend is the pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who has even legalized the sin of homosexuality and enthroned paganism through a public ritual with the Pachamama demon.
Under the cloak of historical-critical method, Modernism denied the divine inspiration of the Scriptures. After the Second Vatican Council, these hidden heresies penetrated all theological faculties.
Addressing liberal theologians, Cardinal Ratzinger, later Benedict XVI, said: “… I wonder at the adroitness of theologians who manage to represent the exact opposite of what is written in clear documents of the Magisterium in order afterward to set forth this inversion with skilled dialectical devices as the ‘true’ meaning of the documents in question.”
After her conversion, Professor Linnemann, a student of Bultmann, commented on this pseudo science as follows: “Historical-critical theology (HCT) is based on a lie. Science here is therefore not a synonym for truth, but a rebellion against God that unjustly suppresses the truth. If anyone wants to serve God (and studies contemporary heretical theology), his mind must give in to atheism. Pious sentiments are graciously allowed to him, but his mind must accept the essential atheistic axiom that God practically does not exist. This is a perversion.”
In short: these self-proclaimed theological experts do not at all know the spiritual essence of the Holy Scriptures and do not admit that the main author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit. They were not and are not humble men of faith and prayer. They do not explain the Bible, but divert the believers from its essence through hidden heresies. They created false theories about the Christ of history and the Christ of myth. The motivation of their so-called research is the effort to adapt the Scriptures to the spirit of the world.
“An exegesis in which the Bible no longer lives and is understood within the living organism of the Church becomes archaeology: the dead bury their dead.” (Card. Ratzinger, 1984)
Where did this so-called scientific German theology end up? In the German synodal path that promotes gay and queer marriage. This theology was publicly condemned by Card. Müller’s words: “This whole establishment of German-Catholic ecclesiology is false and suicidal.”
The root of so-called historical-critical science must be clearly marked as poisoned: “It was decided to oppose God’s word as revealed truth… This method is not scientific, but demagogic.” (Prof. Eta Linnemann)
Claiming that the Gospels originated long after Christ is an obvious manipulation. A reasonable person who imparts an important teaching to others, and wants them to accurately impart it to others, always uses a written basis. There is also a well-known saying: “The written letter remains.”
3,000 Jews were converted on the day of Pentecost. They were baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Many of them were pilgrims from different nations (Acts 2). In order to avoid contradictions, a clear written foundation had to be given, on which they already built during the mission and whose authority they appealed to. Two Gospels were written immediately after Pentecost. The Apostle John and the Apostle Matthew were set apart for the task. Some time later, Mark abridged Matthew’s Gospel, and Luke omitted something and added something. Above all, however, it is necessary to realize that it is the Holy Spirit who is the author of the Holy Scriptures. Scripture is God’s word given to us for our life, that we may follow Christ with the goal of obtaining eternal life.
Even today, for God’s word to be truly spiritual food and to be interpreted correctly, the preacher needs the inspiration of the Spirit of God – the gift of prophecy. Without the Spirit of truth, the ministry of God’s word would be mere empty talk. Such preaching would neither bring anyone to conversion nor give anyone strength to fight sin. Therefore, a servant of God’s word should be a person who has contact with God in personal prayer and who himself tries to live what he preaches. Such a person then receives spiritual power in preaching the word.
The current crisis period in the Church requires a new formation of the future priesthood. The following basic principles are necessary:
1) The first principle is to go through spiritual exercises
From the very beginning, students must be led to a deep personal conversion and relationship with Christ. It is also necessary for them to spiritually receive the Mother of Jesus like the disciple by the cross. Further, to open themselves to the Spirit of truth and renounce false paths. These false paths are heresies and New Age pseudo-spirituality with esotericism, occultism and reverence for paganism. This spiritual purification is very relevant today.
2) The second principle is theology on one’s knees
Students need to be rooted in Christ. But this requires much effort. It means that students are to become men of prayer. In interior prayer, the true wisdom of God will be revealed to them for knowledge of the Scriptures, but also for orientation in life’s spiritual struggle for the salvation of the soul.
3) The third spiritual principle is fellowship (koinonia)
A living fellowship helps us be purified from pride embodied in our ego. Saint Basil explains that the most effective means of purification from our hidden and deep egoism is not hermitic asceticism but rather a small fellowship.
If this foundation is built, then it is enough to know a few principles to start studying the Bible. First of all, students need to know the Holy Scriptures, that is, they must read them. Then they need to be introduced to the depth of God’s word. Interior prayer, the willingness to follow Christ and true self-criticism, i.e. humility, play a big role here. Then the author of the Scriptures Himself, the Holy Spirit, will introduce them to the depth. It is also important to devote time together after prayer to interpretation, in which others participate, in order to prepare for the ministry of the word.
Biblical and prayer cells should be made up of four to seven seminarians. Here they should have a personal experience with God and undergo their personal formation by God’s word in true repentance, i.e. in spiritual purification. Saints talk about the path of purification, illumination and union. After completing such a study of theology, seminarians will be able to preach sound principles, sound dogmatics and doctrine, as well as a living faith that makes one ready even for martyrdom for the sake of Christ. They will then pass on spiritual life and later strengthen other reborn healthy cells of the Church. In the power of the word and the Spirit, they will transform lukewarm Christians into Christ’s disciples – martyrés (Mt 28:19). They themselves will also continue their priestly formation in the living cells of priestly communities.
It means that priests will live a semi-religious life. Two days a week they will be together in prayer, devoting themselves to God’s word and fellowship, in order to draw light and strength for the next days of their ministry. Each where they are, they will make disciples of the men to build up their home church. The disciples and their wives will then be able to testify about Christ in an authentic manner in contact with others. Converted families will gather together and encourage each other in faithfulness to Christ face to face with the modern form of persecution. They will share their experience of bringing up children and protecting them from the extremely destructive pressure of the spirit of this world. They will set an example to each other of following Christ.
The priests who will also have their priestly fellowship will pass on their experience to the lay communities: how to fight with the pride of your own egoism, how to humble yourself, how to deny yourself, how to win over the spirit of lies, how to unite your pain with Christ crucified in interior prayer. This spiritual leaven will then permeate all of Christianity. Christianity will once again become the pillar of truth and the salt of the world.
The early Christian church in Jerusalem had four basic principles: prayer, apostles’ teaching, fellowship, and the Eucharist (cf. Acts 2:42). If the living communities are built on this foundation, all will experience the promise of Jesus: “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Jn 8:31f)
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
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