MOSES LEWIN Suspect Arrested In TTC Subway Stabbing #MosesLewin

1 year ago

#MosesLewin #TTC #CertifiedTruthTVMVP #Livestream #Toronto

Moses Lewin, 25, was located and arrested on Friday, Toronto police say.

Police have identified the suspect in a Toronto subway train stabbing near Eglinton station on Thursday.

Moses Lewin, 25, of Toronto, is wanted for attempted murder, Toronto police said in a news release on Friday. He is also wanted for aggravated assault, assault with a weapon and two counts of failing to comply with a release order.

The stabbing sent a man, believed to be in his 30s, to hospital with life-threatening injuries. His condition has since been upgraded to stable.

According to police, two men got into an argument on a southbound Line 1 train during the noon hour.

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