Selections from Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992), Matthew Hill

1 year ago

This is taken from a larger recital program, before I play this music I make some comments about the larger program, and specifically about Messiaen's music.

XI. Première communion de la Vierge (The Virgin’s First Communion)
(After the Annunciation, the Virgin Mary adores Jesus within her... my God, my Son, my Magnificat! — my love without the sound of words...)
XVII. Regard du silence (Contemplating Silence)
(Silence in the hand, inverted rainbow, each silence from the crib reveals sounds and colors that are the mysteries of Jesus Christ...)
XIX. Je dors, mais mon coeur veille (I Sleep but My Heart Keeps Vigil)
(It is not the angel’s bow that smiles down on us — it is sleeping Jesus, who loves us on His Sunday and grants us oblivion…)

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