what is Hajj in Islam | اسلام میں حج کیا ہے | ISLAMIC HISTORY

1 year ago

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Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will explain you about.Asslamoalaikum, dear friends today we will talk about
The Significance of Hajj & Qurbaani
so friends, Allah almighty said in surah Aale Imraan that
And for the sake of Allah, the people is to perform Hajj pilgrimage to this House, who could find a way thither.The literal meaning of Hajj is ‘to travel’ and ‘to intend.’ Muslims travel to Makkah with the intention of seeing the Holy Ka’bah; that is why it is called Hajj. In Islamic terminology, Hajj means to wear an Ehram and perform some actions; like, Tawaf of the Ka’bah and be in certain places on certain days to perform specific worships.Hajj is the name of those acts which are performed after entering into the state of Ihram with the intention of Hajj. They comprise of Fard, Tawaaf of Ka’bah Shareef, stay at Arafaat and some obligatory actions which are performed in a given order at appointed times.
When Hazrat Ibrahim and Isma’eel (peace be upon Him) completed the construction of the Holy Ka’bah, Allah Almighty said to Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon Him) in surah Al-Hajj that And proclaim among people the pilgrimage. They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel coming from every distant track.’
so Hazrat Ibraheem (peace be upon Him) climbed the Mount Abu Qubais and made an announcement to all human beings to come and perform Hajj. Those whose destiny was to perform Hajj, replied from within the loins of their fathers and the wombs of their mothers and said, “I am present, O my Lord! (Labbaik) here I am.

Hazrat Taa’oos (may Allah shower mercy upon him) states that
I was once going for Hajj with a caravan of people. I saw a child in the caravan that did not carry with him any necessities of the journey. When I asked him, “Why did you begin the journey if you did not have the means?” He recited a verse of Al-Baqarah,its translation is The best provision is piety
I said, “Piety and Allah’s fear is something else than the necessities of the journey; food and water etc.” “O uncle! Going to the house of the generous and taking the food etc. along is very inappropriate” replied the boy.
However, when everyone tied the Ihraam and began to proclaim Labbaik and proceeded further, the boy remained silent. When I asked him, “Why don’t you proclaim Labbaik?!” He replied, “I fear that lest I hear “No Labbaik” (You are not welcome) in response to my Labbaik (I am present [O Allah]).” He then fainted and fell on me. I cried upon observing this state, thinking that this small child fears Allah so much in this age; what will we do if the independent Allah rejects us and does not accept our Hajj and does not forgive us?!….” He then began to weep and the entire caravan also wept with him. When they reached the plain of Mina and everyone offered Qurbani, the boy said, “O Allah! Everyone is offering sacrifice in your court but I do not have anything to sacrifice for You except my life. I sacrifice my life for You.” Saying this, he proclaimed in ecstasy and his soul was sacrificed for Allah’s sake.
so friends now we will talk What Is Sacrifice
The word ‘Qurbani’ that is used in the Urdu language is pronounced as ‘Qurbaanun’ in the Arabic language as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. ‘Qurbaanun’ is derived from the root word ‘Qurb’ which means ‘being close’. In other words, sacrifice is a means of obtaining closeness to Allah Almighty for those who perform it with sincerity.
There are two kinds of monetary worships. The first is to give away the possession of it, meaning, to give charity in the form of Sadqa or Zakat etc. The second kind is through losing or destroying something for the sake and pleasure of Allah Almighty; like, freeing a slave etc. Both these concepts of worship are present in Qurbani, that an animal is slaughtered and its blood is shed to gain closeness to Allah Almighty – this is worship through giving away possession as money is spent in buying the animal for sacrifice and the meat of the animal is given to the poor and this is worship through giving away possession.
Dear friends tomorow we will talk about the quranic concept of sacrifice
The word “Islam” means “submission to the will of God.” Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are monotheistic and worship one, all-knowing God, who in Arabic is known as Allah. Followers of Islam aim to live a life of complete submission to AllahThe cultural values of Islam include intense religious observance based on faithfulness to Allah and the teachings of Muhammad. They also include a strong sense of community in the religious and familial sense and a strong desire to build up a faithful

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