Remarriage Is Sending Christians To Hell (Remarriage Is STILL Adultery as Long as 1st Spouse LIVES)

1 year ago

Get right or get left. This is my sister in Christ, @letstalkbiblewithshun.s who has a love for the Lord Jesus and His Scriptures. I have a playlist with over 470 videos about divorce and remarriage being adultery, but maybe you have only seen the false teaching preachers on YT instead of the ones who love you enough to tell you the truth and snatch you from the fires of hell? Shun is a gifted teacher of the Bible, and we are on the same mission of being watchwomen who want people to repent of their sins and make it into the kingdom of God now that the rapture is so very soon- any day really. Please watch to the end and listen to answers for the common objections.

I had the Lord send me to a church where the couple I was greeted by and then ate lunch with were in 47 years remarriage adultery. That was Feb. 2, 2020 before the lockdown, so who knows if they repented and are still alive? They were serving in the Calvary Chapel church and the pastor (who I later emailed with) believes you can remain in adultery and performs remarriage ceremonies. It's not the truth.

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