NYC Pride: Violent Animal Smashed a Large Bottle Over My Head! Week in Hospital for Brain Bleed

1 year ago

6/25/2023: NYC Pride: 5th Ave/Washington Square Park from approximately 12pm to 1am. While covering the event as press, I was accidently knocked over in the crowd as a fight broke out about 20 feet in front of me. A large bottle was smashed over the back of my head while I was on the ground. Then one of those freaks stole my camera. I went to ICU for brain bleeding and spent a week in the hospital. NYPD didn't do anything and so far, the investigation is slow. Wonder why? The area was filled with injuries and crime including a stabbing 30 mins prior. I had to wait a little longer for an ambulance. The final clip is from Viral News NYC showing my bloody head followed by a still shot of the suspect. Viral News NYC helped me get out of there. Read story, links below:

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