Freeze Drying - The Next 50 Batches - Batch 572 - Sister's Spaghetti Sauce and Something Else :)

1 year ago

Freeze Drying - The Next 50 Batches - Batch 572 - Sister's spaghetti sauce. (and some other unknown stuff)
Freeze Drying The Next 50 Batches - 551 to 600

Freeze Drying The Next 50 Batches - 551 to 600
Freeze dryer batch #572 - Drying a batch of for my sister.

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Freeze Drying The Next 50 Batches - 551 to 600:
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When trying to decide what to freeze dry you can start by asking why.
Start by asking yourself this question. Why are you freeze drying food? Knowing this should help you decide what you should freeze dry first.
I'm freeze drying because:
Just to freeze dry leftovers?
You want to make your own food for camping/backpacking?
For if/when the SHTF?
For a short term emergency?
You have your own garden and want to freeze dry the food?
You love Costco but don't have a family of 6?
You are good at finding the food sales but only have 1 freezer?
When you cook homemade chili just for yourself you make 10 gallons? Because you have 3 full freezers and are worried about power outages?

If I knew then what I know now, I would have freeze dried things in a different order. Or maybe not, because I started freeze drying because we had 3 full freezers, I was thinking of getting another one, and I decided I should buy a walk-in freezer instead. I started looking into walk-ins and realized they were expensive to buy (even used ones) AND expensive to own and operate. Then I found out Harvest Right was making home sized freeze dryers. One of my first thoughts was "I like Mountain House!" I have used their food for backpacking almost 45 years and we even kept some in our travel trailer, for just in case.

Freeze dried food will stay fresh for many years and be ready and waiting when you need it.

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