The Long View Early History of the Cabal & The End of Cabal from REVELATION

1 year ago

About the video
We’re taking you back into history, all the way to the origins of the Cabal. Let’s start in Sumer (modern-day Iraq), where the oldest civilization on earth started.

By following two major migrations (to the West and to the North), we’ll meet the Khazars and the Ashkenazi, and we’ll discover the roots of the Rothschild family.

This episode takes you to the turbulent era of the Crusades, the Knights Templar, their hunger for world dominance and their link to Secret Societies, the Jesuit Order and the Freemasons. Were these really separate groups? Let’s find out in this very first episode!
By Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter

While Janet Ossebaard is telling us about the birth of the Cabal. In this next session we are going to talk about the final end of the Cabal.

About The Book of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ to John, the disciple who Jesus loved.
There are four view on the interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
•1 The first is the PRETERIST view.
(An adherent of preterism; one who believes that the Biblicalprophecies of the Apocalypse refer to historical events which have already taken place.)
In places the events and visions described as belonging to the past, particularly to the Roman Empire of the first century CE.
The proponents of this view explain the highly symbolic nature of the book as John's endeavor to hide the real meaning of what he time.
(Make it appear to be occult. Meaning you will not be able to interpret the text unless you are aware of certain secrets of Christianity.

It is very unlikely that this view is correct in light of the prophetic nature of the book (Rev. 1:3). Some of the descriptions are of future events and cannot possibly be identified as historical ones.

• 2. The second view is the historical view, maintaining that Revelation is a panoramic view of history from the first century A.D. to the Second Coming of Christ.

However, this position is unsubstantiated because historians have been unable to identify precise events in history which would answer particular visions that are symbolized.

• 3 The third view is the symbolic (allegorical) view which contends that Revelation portrays the continuing conflict between the forces of good and evil
(the forces of God and of Satin. We have always been at war Satin. Now the battle is obvious, as it has been for two thousand years. But Christians for two thousand years have believed.

Throughout the span of human history. According to this view, the book of the Revelation was designed to give encouragement because good will triumphs in the end.

Dark To Light

• 4 The fourth view is the futuristic view, maintaining that from chapter four to the end of the book, Revelation deals with end-time events. According to this view, Revelation is not concerned with the events of John's own day as much as later historical events, particularly those things that will take place in connection with the Second Coming of Christ. The Last Days, folks we are there.

If you know, you know! As the newest idiom for having the scales lifted off of your eyes, awakened, and the older term is saved. On the alternative channels their open use of Scripture is great.

The proponents of the 4th view would outline Revelation as follows (cf. Rev. 1:19): chapter one deals with the past; chapters two and three discuss things that were present at that time and throughout the church age; chapters four through twenty-two speak of things that are yet to come, which things include the "Day of the Lord" as well as the Second Coming of Christ (cf. Rev. 4:1).

Before your eyes roll back in your eye sockets. We’re going get with it.

Therefore we are starting in chapter four; the first three chapters seem to be about historical events of the 1st Century Common Era. Actually we’re starting at the exciting part.

Let me say this.
The Primitive Christians considered the main purpose of this writing of the Book of the Revelation was encouragement believers regarding God's ultimate intervention in the affairs of men.
The book of Exodus in the Old Testament, is a picture of how God intervened in Huemanity. And will do it again, with a couple of twists to throw Satan off of game.

We’ll read, in few moments, how John was teleported through a Star Gate to heaven, after seeing an open door

Your Next Stop The TwiLight Zone

Vs 1Where God the Father and God the Son exist in a place without time. John looks up to see a Star Gate.

Vs. 2 Where John heard the voice of Spirit in his mind in a special way.

See the footnotes below c.
Then we see the Throne of
God with with other possibility Angelic beings. If the Theologians can have the privilege of bantering ideas, I can too.
I believe they are other beings who are from other solar systems in which they have overcome Satan the Worm!
For Satan’s part, an egregious crime, an unforgivable dark deed. Sentenced for what he did, in Garden, forever he will always be a Worm, no matter where he goes from here, in for what he did Eve.

He has no arms or legs. So after the Fall of Earth. Anywhere he goes he must slither, and whisper into a lesser beings ear, to get them to do his bidding.
An odd conundrum the people would become his slave for one lifetime of hilarity. The joke is on them, they gave Satan an Avatar. A sleeve for Satan to carry out his vile deeds.

And Then…… We know that Hades is made for Satan and his Angels. It probably includes the Elite, Politicians, and Actors. Vapid souls all, who have but lost their soul, already.
Sorry I just went off on a tangent.
Let’s get back to my commentary on Scripture reading of tonight.
Vs 6 Then our attention is drawn creatures who could see behind (the past) in front (seeing everything AND knowing everything.
They are a portion of God’s Armor. God is omniscience and omnipresent.

Vs 10 Our attention is drawn again toward the four and twenty elders.
We had just met them in verse in Verse 4. Twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and they worship Him who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, saying, ……

Who are these Twenty- four Elders, as said above, they are of those who overcome Satan on their home world.
Why are throwing their Crowns before God’s feet. They realize they could not have overcome Satan and his hordes without God’s help and abundant grace.

I will not hypothesize any further but I will allow you look into Heaven with John. As you will get a glimpse of Heaven.

Revelation chapter 4
Amplified Bible

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

After this I looked, and behold, [a]a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a [war] trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.”

2 At once I was in [special communication with] the Spirit; and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with One seated on the throne.

3 And He who sat there appeared like [the crystalline sparkle of] [b]a jasper stone and [the fiery redness of] a sardius stone, and encircling the throne there was a rainbow that looked like [the color of an] emerald.

4 Twenty-four [other] thrones surrounded the throne; and seated on these thrones were [c]twenty-four elders dressed in white clothing, with crowns of gold on their heads.

The Throne and Worship of the Creator

5 From the throne came flashes of lightning and [rumbling] sounds and peals of thunder. Seven lamps of fire were burning in front of the throne, which are [d]the seven Spirits of God;

6 and in front of the throne there was something like a sea or large expanse of glass, like [the clearest] crystal. In the center and around the throne were four living [e]creatures who were full of eyes in front and behind [seeing everything and knowing everything that is around them].

7 [f]The first living creature was like a lion, the second creature like a calf (ox), the third creature had the face of a man, and the fourth creature was like a flying eagle.

8 And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes all over and within [underneath their wings]; and day and night they never stop saying,
“Holy, holy, holy [is the] Lord God, the Almighty [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all], who was and who is and who is to come [the unchanging, eternal God].”

9 Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanksgiving to Him who sits on the throne, to Him who lives forever and ever,

10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and they worship Him who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, saying,

11 “Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they exist, and were created and brought into being.”
Revelation 4:1 This chapter begins the revelation to John of future events.
Revelation 4:3 In antiquity this name was given to various kinds and colors of precious stones, while the sardius was a reddish stone. The gems are indicative of royalty.
Revelation 4:4 The twenty-four elders may indicate the twelve tribes of Israel together with the twelve apostles, representing redeemed humanity. Others say the twenty-four may be an angelic order of worship akin to the Aaronic priests.
Revelation 4:5 See note 1:4.
Revelation 4:6 Some scholars identify these creatures as cherubim glorifying God and guarding the throne of heaven; others suggest the creatures represent God’s attributes (especially His omniscience and omnipresence).
Revelation 4:7 Jewish tradition suggests that during the exodus the four standards of the tribal triads depicted these images: the triad led by Judah, the lion; the triad led by Reuben, the man; the triad led by Ephraim, the ox; the triad led by Dan, the eagle.
If there any PKs Preachers Kids out there you probably know the words and tune by heart.

1 All Hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
Let men and angels loud proclaim
The wonders of His works and ways,
And raise to Him unending praise;
He built the heav'ns, the stars He made;
By Him was earth's foundation laid;
Before Him let all nations fall,
And crown Him Lord of all;
And crown Him, crown Him, Lord of all!
And crown Him, crown Him, Lord of all!

Crown Him! crown Him!
Honor, love and mercy unto Him belong;
Crown Him! Crown Him!
Praise Him with a glad triumphant song,
Crown Him! crown Him!
Honor, love and mercy unto Him belong;
Crown Him! Crown Him!
Shall crown Him Lord of all.

2 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
To seek and save the lost He came
To earth a stranger, and unknown,
A ransom for His loved, His own;
He came to break the bonds of sin,
Our souls from Satan's pow'r to win;
He speaks—O hear His righteous call,
And crown Him Lord of all;
And crown Him, crown Him, Lord of all!
And crown Him, crown Him, Lord of all!

3 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
Mine, mine shall be the tears of shame
That such a Savior was denied,
Was scourged, condemned and crucified;
Yet, blessed news—He lives again!
The Pow'rs of darkness were in vain!
Let all the earth His name extol,
And crown Him Lord of all;
And crown Him, crown Him, Lord of all!
And crown Him, crown Him, Lord of all!
~Author: Chas. H. Gabriel

You will have to come to see the World for what it presents, gives, Perverts, Pedophiles, Sycophants, Xenophobs and how the World prevents us to see; where we already live in God’s Green Earth. Just a veil away.

In the next Scripture reading (below) interpret the “the World” as the Cabal, the Synagogue of Satan, the Vampires of the Land of Nod.

1 John 2:15-17

The old time Christians said of themselves. We are in world but we not of the world.

Another way to say this, we are in the Matrix but we are not of the Matrix.

No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper
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I’ll Fly Away

I’m a little late this week, for not getting a video sooner. For which I apologize.
I had a bout of, I don’t know.

Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning at exactly 4:30 am. I had such a heavy load on me. I felt the Evil of the World was screaming. I wasn’t sympathetic. It caused me to shake uncontrollably.
The pangs left me by 5:30am, each morning.
What was surprising to me was it happened at the same time two mornings in a row.

Pray for one another and we’ll all through this together.

Ralph Stanley
Almost Home

End 2305

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