In Europe They made Sex with Children & animals legal. next is Definition of Consent.

1 year ago

How is any of this possible , I do not think THe public would understand THE abuse of an animal , even if next to a sign tax dollars were paid to let people know having intercourse publicly with their animal or someone else's it's up to the animal not the owner ,same as consent we moved it from consent of the parents to marry to the child's & in places where before THE Person did not in some instance get any say in potential partners so this is very progressive as apposed to regressive as some who's are being silenced . SO How IS This able TO even be suggested , Their would be world wide attacks. Well That is only True if we did not have a Worlds wide united Police force who all Know Child sex is THE child's consent & a child is just a child so WE have begun Rolling it out where we have police we have child sex going on where people must get used to it because they cannot get to the children with the police Arresting them for Child interruption A VERY SERIOUS CHARGE INDEED WHICH WILL GET YOU ON THE SEXUAL OFFENCE REGISTRY AS IT SHOULD We removed all the Minor attracted peoples Charges & stipulations as part of THE new Minor attracted persons amendment So in every area we give extra police enforcement until the public is used to the dissidents being arrested or people making snide comments forcefully removed from public & charged formally as they should to the furthest extent of the law for trying to make these children suffer shame !!So any disturbing of minor attracted persons while they are engaging with a child will get you tackled by an officer!! I don't it see it taking less than three months for their to full On Child Sex in THE streets ! Hail Dianna THE Great ! Then THE only thing remaining is to get ride of THE wicked definition of consent making regular peaceful sex loving citizens criminals . You wouldn't want to disrespect THE Goddess Would You !?!?!?!?!?!? Why Would anyone Who is presented with an opportunity to honor THE Goddess Dishonor her publicly with a refusal to be enjoyed !!!!! This Makes No sense TO THE Priesthood or Myself who I am in Total agreement with on THIS issue , So We shall be Changing the definition of consent from illegal to legal, and just like that I have have Shown You have it shall Done . For This is who I am RAM Man Morgan READ TRISTRAM I Am Ram I Am RAM . I.Q 2000 Gideon Style Giddy Up .God Gave THE 300,000 In to Gideon's hand with 300. This is the power OF THE Living God ! I spent My Life practicing getting ready for the Big Johnny neumonic & it's Here ! Let's Dance !.

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