Disturbing the Universe - Freeman Dyson - Part 3

1 year ago

A review of 'Disturbing the Universe' by Freeman Dyson Part 3 - Chapter 5
Page 48: It often happens in science that things are too complicated to be calculated exactly, so that one has to be content with a rough qualititative understanding.
Page 49: I measured the electric voltage produced by light of various colors falling on a metal surface and found that Einstein's law of photoelectric effect is really true.
Page 50: How could one seriously believe that the electron really cared about my calculation one way or another? And yet the experiments at Columbia shwed that it did care.
Somehow or other, all this complicated mathematics that I was scribbling established rules that the electron ... was bound to follow. We know that this is so. Why it is so, why the electron pays attention to our mathematics, is a mystery that even Einstein could not fathom.
Page 52: Quoting Oppenheimer: "In some sort of crude sense, which no vulgarity, no humor, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose."
Page 53: The age of innocence is now over for all of us.
Page 56: Quoting Dick Feynman: "...the electron does whatever it likes. The electron goes all over space and time in all possible ways. It can even go backward in time whenever it chooses."

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