Allegations of stealing from the dead

1 year ago

It is claimed this video shows a pair of Ukrainian soldiers taking items from corpses. They realise a drone is watching them an leave in a hurry. It could be authentic, or it could be an eleborate hoax by Russia. On Telegram, the following statement accompanied the video:
""Khokhol marauding Khokhol. The fighters who filmed this shame write: “We are working in the Uludar direction, where the crest climbs all the time. Previously, they noticed that they were looting their own, now they managed to remove it. Two lads, after their twin brothers were put in gray, decided that it was not good to go to waste and took what they could from him. What is most terrible, they naturally did not take the corpse, they do not come to us with requests like this. That's the whole point of the crest""

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