I don't think they like Don Jr very much. And that's putting it mildly ...

1 year ago

http://www.matthaydenblog.com I'm not sure if this clear symbolic matrix is a hint about a dinkum plan to kill Donald Trump Jr in Australia, or just some kind of weird cathartic daydream about that happening. Either way, the pattern is pretty obvious when you know that the occult elite do use their platforms for comms. (If you appreciate these videos, please consider supporting me via Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/matthayden And please check out the great range of T-shirts and hoodies to get the anti-globalist message out that is linked here: http://www.sydneymarketinghelp.com.au/blog/t-shirts-and-hoodies-to-get-the-anti-globalist-message-out)

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