The Australian Stolen Baby Scandal

1 year ago

An interview with eminent psychiatrist, Dr. Geoff Rickarby, by Dr. Christine Cole & filmaker Jayne AM, to discuss the kidnapping and trafficking of newborn babies from their unwed mothers during most of the 20th century. Hidden behind the institution of adoption those working in the industry set up a barbaric system of denying mothers access to their babies from birth. Mothers were drugged, tied to beds and injected with a carcinogenic drug to dry up their milk so they were unable to nurse their newborns. Mothers had pillows and sheets placed over their faces so they were denied any eye contact with their baby who was quickly whisked away and hidden. This was a nightmare for thousands of Aussie mothers, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, yet most Australians are still unaware of the barbaric practices that were employed to steal babies to be provided to those in more powerful positions. Globally people are becoming aware of the huge market in trafficked children, but most do not know that adoption has been used for decades in Australia as a means to kidnap and traffick in newborns. Breaking up young families where mothers desperately tried to keep their infants but were denied often with the threat of being imprisoned. Mothers were given huge amounts of drugs, were bullied, isolated and traumatised into silence. Some even being told their baby had died. The corruption in intercountry adoption has been exposed but that in domestic adoption is still being hidden. In 2013 former PM Julia Guillard apologised to the mothers their stolen children, fathers, siblings etc but the MSM gave so little publicity that most of the Australian public is unaware that an apology was even given. Why? Because there is still a demand for other people's babies.

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