Breaking Free from P*rn

1 year ago

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Obviously lust is an extremely common temptation today, we live in an extremely salacious culture which tantalizes our most base instincts at every opportunity; incentivized by the prospect of weak-willed and weak-minded consumers, which is what we are if we can’t control our appetites.

And we aren’t meant to be slaves of our appetites or the plots of consumer marketers. We’re meant to be free and the truth is what sets us free. So, let’s do our best to explore the truth and acquire that freedom that is befitting our dignity as sons and daughters of God.

It’s easy to get caught in a pattern of sin and to convince yourself that you are trapped – I have no control over this, what can I do? and to despair over it. But to be trapped is to have no options or solutions available to you.

But if you’re looking at certain measures that you haven’t taken yet and your response is, “that’s too extreme, I don’t need to do that”, while still persisting in this problem, then it’s not that you are trapped by forces beyond your control, but by your own unwillingness to do what should be done.

So don’t resign yourself to half-measures on this. You may not need all of this advice, but if you’ve tried everything else and the problem persists, it’s time to bring out the heavy artillery.

Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here:

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