Tribes of Light 777 Portal

1 year ago

Kia Ora! 777, The Sirius Portal, the day of Matariki (Pleiades) rise above our horizon, and Ripeka's birthday, sees us leap into the unknown to explore "Video Land", and launch a joint venture into creating our own channel to house content related to all things Ascension, Soul Journey's, Galactic Lineages, Starseeds, Star Families, the gathering of the Star Tribes, Star Navigators, Stargates, Ancient Memories & Timelines, Gridworking, Songlines & Ley Lines, Shamanism, Healing, Self-Actualisation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sovereignty, embracing all things Heart, Love, Truth, Peace, Unity & Liberation, bridging & trampling all over taboo subjects, basically everything to do with anything we feel like, but most importantly humanities shift out of the old paradigm and into the new, creating our Heaven on Earth, and our entry into the Galactic Golden Age.

Kia Ora! Welcome, we're so pleased to see you. This is Us, unedited, Ripeka (South Island) & Rianna (North Island) from Aotearoa, having a crack at our first video. A practice run just to see how awkward we can make things so we can have a laugh at ourselves. It's best not to be so Sirius on the day of the Sirius Portal. This is going to be fun ...

Arohanui xx

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