Top 5 Weird About Countries But True Facts Did You Know To WOW and OMG Everyone

1 year ago

Top 5 Weird About Countries But True Facts Did You Know To WOW and OMG Everyone
You may not believe us, but they’re true WOW
1. Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein are the only countries that are doubly landlocked.
2. The Canary Islands, an island nation off the northwest coast of Africa, got its name from “canis” the Latin word for dog.
Early sailors landed on the island, found it overrun with wild dogs, and gave it its name.
The bird species canary actually got its name from the islands, not the other way around.
3. Chile didn’t legalize divorce until 2004, making it the last country in the Western Hemisphere to do so.
4. Japan is made up of 6,852 islands.
5. Istanbul, in Turkey, is the only city to be located on two continents.
The western half is located in Europe, and the eastern half is located in Asia.
The two halves are separated by the Bosporus Strait.

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