4-Runner Overlanding Sustainment Loadout

1 year ago

What items, skills, and considerations are essential for living out of your vehicle for weeks at a time while crossing the country? We get a comprehensive look at Chad Barber's 4-Runner and everything he takes with him for cross-country travel, framed within a not-so-unlikely scenario. Plenty of useful tips, tricks, and items that every prepared citizen should have in their vehicle at all times, even if they're not "overlanding".

Chad Barber | https://instagram.com/desert_rats_
Rally Rats | https://www.youtube.com/@rallyrats9845/videos
Additional Footage was provided by Ramblr Collective & Rally Rats.

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00:00 Not-So-Unlikely Scenario
00:43 6000mi Journey
03:00 Fuel Considerations
07:41 Food, Cooking, & Kitchen
20:34 Water Storage & Collection
22:25 Tools & Organization
30:15 Extra Fluids & Parts
34:42 Sleep System & Emergency Items
39:00 Meat Storage, Generators, Batteries
43:36 Personal Protection
46:46 Shelter & Sleeping
49:28 Comms & Navigation
53:15 Every Vehicle Should Have These
55:30 Air Compressor
56:09 Recovery Tools
01:02:23 Antennas & Cell Service
01:04:06 Roof Rack
01:05:56 Routine Maintenence
01:06:27 Skill Building
01:07:52 Armor, Wheels, Suspension
01:13:20 Lights
01:16:39 Under The Hood
01:18:25 Preparedness Mindset

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